View Full Version : Hard Lump Behind Ear

17-01-17, 12:56
Hey guys I'm Jordan, I suffer from health anxiety and I think it was last week i stumbled across this hard lump behind my ear, it's probably the size of a pea, when left alone it is painless but if i mess around with it or try to pop it it hurts, there is a very very small one underneath and it feels like it's attached to the bone, as per i decided to google what it could be and 9/10 are saying it's probably a a swollen node or could be a build of a cartilage or even a blocked hair follicle, should i be concerned, i want to hear your opinions.

thanks guys.

17-01-17, 19:46
Does anybody know of this?

17-01-17, 19:58
Hi, i have a lump behind my ear as well. I think it is a lymph node. It's been there as long as I can remember, it's not really big and it's never gotten any bigger. I think it is normal that you feel a little lump behind your ear but I am certainly not a medic professional

17-01-17, 20:08
It's never been there before, the smaller one under it is hard, the one above is slightly bigger, pea size solid but movable and soft-ish, everywhere i've looked on the internet it says nothing to be worried about but i always panic.

18-01-17, 01:50
I've had those from time to time throughout my life. They can last for years. I don't have any currently. I've seen them behind other people's ears as well.
my best guess is... calcium deposits?
But yeah, they feel kinda like cartelege. They aren't lymph nodes. I know, because I have those too.

18-01-17, 14:05
I've got a doctors appointment tomorrow, It's probably nothing to worry about, I'll update the post tomorrow:)