View Full Version : Submandibular glands are both swollen

17-01-17, 13:49
Hi everyone

Long time lurker but first time poster. I used to browse this site years ago when I suffered panic attacks. I got over them 8 or 9 years ago though thankfully.

Anyhow both of my submandibular glands are swollen which was confirmed by my Dr. I didn't know they were swollen but she found them when I went about something else. I've had a viral infection since Start of Dec. It's very hard to shift. My family have also had it the same amount of time. Could that cause both submandibular glands to swell (you can see them when I look up) or could this be something else? I've also had swollen lymph nodes in my neck on either side. They first appeared the start of Dec. They've not got bigger since and have shrunk back to pea size but still there.. My blood tests have came back clear. Has anyone had both submandibular glands swell at the same time during a viral infection? They are not painful however the ones in my neck were a month ago when they were swollen.

Many thanks

17-01-17, 14:21
We've all had glands swell at one time or another. Lately here, it's a lot! ~lol~ And we've all had them swell on one side or both at one time or another. The fact that they're resolving is good. Just don't poke and prod and they'll eventually get back to normal.

Positive thoughts

17-01-17, 14:46
Lol thank you for your reply. Is it mainly UK people? The reason I am asking is the Adenovirus is sweeping the UK at the moment.

17-01-17, 14:51
Lol thank you for your reply. Is it mainly UK people? The reason I am asking is the Adenovirus is sweeping the UK at the moment.

Nah... one look through the boards and you'll see it's all over. There's a lot of "crud" going around this time of year.

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