View Full Version : Bowel testing kit!????

chatty girl
17-01-17, 15:00
Back to the doctors again today, told again no red flags for bowel cancer, perhaps invest in a bowel testing kit as there not available on the nhs.

Has anyone ever done this??


17-01-17, 15:04
It sounds like he was passing you off tbh. You've been given the all clear and you still doubt so he's telling you to get this kit for your own reassurance. I mean, if you want to collect poo and send it off to be analyzed and get the same clear results that's up to you but why bother if you have no indications at all of bowel cancer?

Positive thoughts

17-01-17, 15:05
It sounds like he was passing you off tbh. You've been given the all clear and you still doubt so he's telling you to get this kit for your own reassurance. I mean, if you want to collect poo and send it off to be analyzed and get the same clear results that's up to you but why bother if you have no indications at all of bowel cancer?

Positive thoughts


This is a problem of the psyche, and not the ass.

chatty girl
17-01-17, 15:34
I know in my heart of hearts your both right but what if I don't do it and should have?

17-01-17, 16:04

This is a problem of the psyche, and not the ass.

Quote of the day. :yesyes:

I know in my heart of hearts your both right but what if I don't do it and should have?

Why would the NHS tests be less effective?

17-01-17, 16:06
I know in my heart of hearts your both right but what if I don't do it and should have?

We could say that about a billion different things in our lives.

You've chosen to focus on this one. It doesn't make a difference.

You've been tested by the best equipment, and gotten a clear bill of health.

Give yourself permission to move on and do something else now.

chatty girl
17-01-17, 16:45
Nhs dont offer the test i would need to buy on, there no expensive.

Trouble is since the weekend I've been having niggling pains in my leg side and tummy.

17-01-17, 16:49
The thing is, based on your post history, you've been worrying about this since last April. If in fact there was an issue, it would be quite apparent by now but it's not so what does that tell you? I believe, if you're not doing so, it's time to start treating your real illness (anxiety).

Positive thoughts

17-01-17, 16:54
If you want to break free, don't buy the test. And ignore the "worrying thoughts".

When you do that you gain strength.

The test won't solve your problem. It will just perpetuate the cycle you are stuck in.

The only way off is to break the cycle. Its a problem of the head, and not the body.

Been there done that, bought the t-shirt.

17-01-17, 17:11
Been there done that, bought the t-shirt.

Was it this one? :)


Positive thoughts

17-01-17, 19:23

17-01-17, 21:21
Like you I've been worrying about this since last March. I bought the test in july. As yet, I've been too scared to do it and send it off.

Gary A
17-01-17, 21:35
Say you do buy the test kit, what then? In your state of anxiety, I would put my mortgage on you checking it, the results being clear, and you then in turn worrying that you hadn't done the test right or the kit was inaccurate.

At a certain point you need to stop chasing a diagnosis and accept the illness that you actually have, which is anxiety. Chasing a diagnosis and performing unnecessary tests is simply feeding your anxiety.

17-01-17, 21:50
Like you I've been worrying about this since last March. I bought the test in july. As yet, I've been too scared to do it and send it off.

Why too scared because of the results?

17-01-17, 22:24
Yes, exactly.

17-01-17, 22:33
Redsoles You don't have colorectal cancer but colorectal cancer is slow growing and has good success rates when caught early so it's pretty counterproductive to wait a long time to do the test. If you really though you had the disease you'd want to get diagnosed and do treatment before it's too late.

Catherine S
17-01-17, 22:46
Redsoles, thank your lucky stars you've not reached the age of 60 yet then, because the nhs send these test kits to you automatically, and demand that you send in your samples. If you ignore it, they write to you to tell you off and to do the test. There was no hiding place from this where I lived in Staffordshire!


18-01-17, 01:17
They do this too here in Canada but as a Crohn's patient I'm exempt (though I get very regular colonoscopies anyways). I'm not 60 yet either ;)

chatty girl
18-01-17, 16:16
Redsoles what did you buy and where from? I'm still undecided by the way!

I have had CBT which helped alot and I've suffered from health anxiety pretty much forever. Usually after seeing the doc and specialist /test I can move on, this time I can't and am utterly convinced.

18-01-17, 16:19
Was it this one? :)


Positive thoughts

I'm having one of these!:yesyes:

chatty girl
18-01-17, 17:16
Na just a bowel one for me!

19-01-17, 09:50
I got this one:


It was around £68 from Oxford Screening.

chatty girl
19-01-17, 10:44
Well I've ordered two from lloyds pharmacy should be here tomorrow

The pain in my tummy just left of my belly button is bad today worse when i move. I really wish i could listen to all the advice from fishmapa and the like but i really am in an awful place, crying my eyes out writing this while I'm waiting to see the doctor again. I'm sure their probably strick me off their books soon.

But what if they have been wrong all along? Like fishmapa said this all began in april but what if this pain is it now getting worse?

Please be gentle with me as much as i know you want to shout and tellme to get a grip x

19-01-17, 10:46
Do what you must.

Best of luck.

chatty girl
19-01-17, 10:50
Trouble is i dont know what to do for the right, i never do! Theres always that i should of done or could of done thing with me.

Thanks for your reply

19-01-17, 10:58
Thats cool. We all have it from time to time. I'm sure if I was in the midst of HA I would be googling kits myself.

But ultimately doing so perpetuates the fear and worry. Because you've had a test, and it hasn't reassured you. Its a problem of the brain.

When you get reassurance, you get a little dopamine kick, that feels good. "Yay! I am clear."

That feels good. Then not long after, the worry sets in again, and the voice comes back... "What if...."

It's a cycle. A downwards one.

The way out, and "the right thing" is to trust the test, and find strength to not listen to the anxious subconcious thoughts that make you worry.

But are you going to do it?

Is posting here part of the cycle?

Is me responding and you ignoring it part of the cycle?

Do you even want to get better?

Those are the questions I ask myself when I am in HA.

Be one of the people that stands up to it, and makes a change in their lives. And not one of the ones who get stuck in this cycle for life, and miss out on years of fun and happiness. Don't be one of those people that I put on ignore. :D

I know what it feels like to be buried in HA. I know what it feels like to escape, and it is LIBERATING.

chatty girl
19-01-17, 12:19
So doctor has given me buscopan 2 tablets 3x day go start, still thinks it ibs.

She was quite shocked you can buy the test kits.

So we'll see what happens tomorrow!

19-01-17, 13:43
2 tablets 3x a day? How many mg is that? Just curious.

chatty girl
19-01-17, 14:38
10mg each, packet says up to 4x daily

19-01-17, 14:56
OK cool. Hopefully it will help!

chatty girl
19-01-17, 16:55
Just out of interest what tests have you had done Redsoles?


19-01-17, 22:28
I've had full bloods done in April and July. Also three Calprotectin tests with results of 92, 70 and 48 (50 is normal). And an upper abdominal ultrasound.

20-01-17, 00:29
I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago when I was having issues. When the specialist recommended it I asked him if I should do a FOBT first. He told me that if I really wanted a definitive test I should opt for the colonoscopy because with the FOBT there was the possibility of false negatives. Have you had a colonoscopy?

chatty girl
20-01-17, 06:51
The nhs dont offer a colonoscopy unless you have red warning signs i think they call them. If the poo test shows blood my doctor said then you need a colonoscopy.

I had a flexibility sigmoidoscopy which is the equivalent of half a colonoscopy.

A private colonoscopy is over £1000


---------- Post added at 06:51 ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 ----------

Redsoles how are your symptoms now?

20-01-17, 07:26
My symptoms are still the same and now I have new ones. Pain under left and right ribs. Clear mucous in stool and episodes of explosive gas. Also ache pain in rectum sometimes.

chatty girl
20-01-17, 10:20
Test has arrived going to do it soon......................

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

NEGATIVE!!!!! Redsoles do yours xx

20-01-17, 10:31
Good I never doubted it. I went thru the same scare but with much worse sypmtoms and I didn't have cancer

20-01-17, 12:43
Test has arrived going to do it soon......................NEGATIVE!!!!!

Of course it is! :) I so much as said so a few days ago when you got fobbed off at the doctor... Now it's time to start treating the illness you do have.

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 12:45
Test has arrived going to do it soon......................

---------- Post added at 10:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

NEGATIVE!!!!! Redsoles do yours xx

:) Your symptoms definitely sound like ibs :)

20-01-17, 12:48
I agree with Fish because the peace of mind you got from doing that test may not last.

20-01-17, 12:52
I agree with FMP.

Wait until the dopamine hit wears off. If you don't treat the mental health issue, the worries will transmute into something else.

I have one question I could ask which would really make you think. But I won't ask it, because thats not fair.

chatty girl
20-01-17, 14:33
No I'd rather you didn't if its to do with cancer!? However I am being referred for CBT


20-01-17, 14:45
No I'd rather you didn't if its to do with cancer!? However I am being referred for CBT


How old are you chatty girl?

chatty girl
20-01-17, 14:46
35 why's that?

20-01-17, 14:50
I'm actually glad you did the test, because now it does close that phase of the cycle, and you can look back and see where you went wrong.

And there wasn't a question, I just wanted to see how you responded, sorry. :D :hugs:

Today has been a positive lesson, but it does show how finely balanced your happiness is on various things aligning, and having no reasons to worry.

Good luck with the CBT.

20-01-17, 14:51
35 why's that?

I know nothing I say might not help much but reason I asked is because colon cancer is rare under 50 and I went thru same thing you are going thru but I had way more symptoms. Im 32 by the way and my gi doctor told me 1-100,000 chance I have cancer he said under 50 is rare under 40 is much rarer.

The colon cancer needs to go. You don't have it and shouldn't worry about that till 50+ then get regular colonscopy. Or if you ever see blood then go to GI Doctor.

20-01-17, 17:42
Even if I do the test now, which I can't pluck up the courage to do, I have to send it off by post and it takes a few days for results.

Chattygirl, what test did you do?

20-01-17, 18:25
Even if I do the test now, which I can't pluck up the courage to do, I have to send it off by post and it takes a few days for results.

Chattygirl, what test did you do?

How old are you redsoles?

20-01-17, 19:01

20-01-17, 19:03

And you have been to A GI doctor? What is causing you to worry about colon cancer? Reason I ask I just went thru this last month and in the end everything was fine on me.

20-01-17, 19:07
No, I haven't been able to get referred. I have only seen my GP. If you have a look through my other posts I went into detail about my symptoms.

20-01-17, 22:31
My symptoms are still the same and now I have new ones. Pain under left and right ribs. Clear mucous in stool and episodes of explosive gas. Also ache pain in rectum sometimes.

So your not bleeding any? I still get clear mucus and my colon is clean besides minor hemmoroids. Clear mucus don't mean much usually means your colon is using it as lubricant to pass harder stools. And ache in rectem is probably from hemmoroids. And gas can be cause by constipation building up in your colon as with explosive gas which usually comes out after a hard stool is passed.

If your having any hard to pass stools I would try a stool softener. GI doctor recommended the cheapest said they are all the same. Like I said I had every symptom of colon cancer and mine was fine. They usually won't do a colonscopy unless they are seeing blood and that's because bleeding is usually first symptom to colon cancer people notice.

---------- Post added at 22:31 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32 ----------

But if your bleeding and they don't find hemmoroids then they should request you to get a colonscopy. If they don't you could also outsource and pay out of pocket. But unless colon cancer runs in your family and one your family members got it at age before 50 I don't think you have it.

chatty girl
21-01-17, 06:36
I ordered mine my lloyds pharmacy and got delivered to store the next day. Easy to do like the nhs ones i think except you pour some of the mixture on a cassette thing almost like a pregnancy test!

21-01-17, 06:43
My symptoms are still the same and now I have new ones. Pain under left and right ribs. Clear mucous in stool and episodes of explosive gas. Also ache pain in rectum sometimes.

Sounds like IBS and a touch of the Emma's.

21-01-17, 08:40
I would say listen to the guys it's sound advice but we are usually better at giving advice than taking it ourselves although they are right it's sometimes easier said than done to forget or ignore your mind. I would say your ok and the doctors test is probably better than the one that your going to pay although they may tell you it isn't better. But this sound advice has come from a guy with constant niggling chest and abdominal pains that has had countless hospital admissions and a million tests done all of which have obviously come back fine. You seem quite anxious and worried about your bowels and you are buying that test because your mind is telling you too. On the flip side it will make you feel better in the short term but In the long term the cycle that so many of us are stuck in will remain good luck though in whatever you decide to do :)

29-01-17, 22:31
Chattygirl can you send me a link to the test you bought please?

chatty girl
30-01-17, 15:18
