View Full Version : Skin Anxiety

17-01-17, 19:41
Hi all,

I've been through the wringer several times about my skin. I've had several worries about moles that turned out benign, however I did have a basal cell carcinoma on my nose last year. The fact that I got skin cancer once - even if it was minor - has led to some really nasty health anxiety.

I have my 6 month dermo checkup in 2 days, and I am starting to get really anxious. I know avoidance is not an option as it will just exacerbate things.

I have a very tiny (less than 1mm) scabby spot on the bridge of my nose that has not gone away, and I will have to bring it to their attention. I know this would be acinic keratosis or at WORST a very tiny basal cell. Not melanoma. However it is triggering my anxiety for the rest of my body. I keep an eye on my moles (I have a fair number) and I haven't seen anything new or remiss, but I cannot shake the anxiety.

Any words of encouragement would be helpful :weep:

17-01-17, 19:59
keep the appointment and keep us informed. Warm and fuzzy thoughts coming your way. Sorry but thats the best I can offer.