View Full Version : Just not right.

17-01-17, 20:10
I am fed up of feeling crap. I haven't felt right since having food poisoning in September. I just feel it's one thing after another. I have had a left back/side/front pain since having food poisoning, sweating when i do anything, night sweats, fatigue, anxiety, feeling like i can't breath right. I went to the drs with the back ache and had all my bloods took and the dr tested my urine and there were microscopic traces of blood but no infection. Bloods were all ok, oxygen levels were fine, heart and lungs listened to and tapped and all ok. I had a cystoscopy before xmas and 2 lumps were seen in my bladder (urologist said 99% sure they were not cancer) so i had to have a ct scan and of my bladder and kidneys. I had a bladder biopsy on Friday and he cut one out and said if it was fine he would just leave the other. The thing is i have never had any bladder symptoms but i am still having the left back/side/front pain, night sweats, nausea. I keep thinking it's my stomach and then my lung, i just feel something isn't right but my bloods are fine.

18-01-17, 06:34
Sounds like you have a had plenty of things checked out which is good. knowing for sure always helps. For me anxiety can cause me to have pains for no reason. Im not saying thats your case but if I'm worried about a heart attack or something my chest will start hurting. Bringing on cases of sweats and sick feeling and whatever anxiety symptoms decides to show up for me. I tend to worry about the area bothering me way to much and over think it and it actually makes it worse. I can even be distracted and realize its not even bothering me and as soon as i start thinking about it again it pops back up. Any chance you think you could be bringing certain things on just by thinking a little too much?