View Full Version : Feel physically sick when i'm upset

17-01-17, 23:38
This is rather strange, but when i am hurt or something has upset me deeply, instead of having a normal reaction and crying or feeling emotional - instead i feel physical symptoms. For example, the other day i went to dinner and saw my crush and best friend on what i thought at the time was a date (turns out it wasn't) i had to get up and leave to go toilet and suddenly felt sick to the bottom of my stomach and panicked and was even physically a bit sick. The next few days were also awful, as I didn't simply cry, but just felt this strange feeling of panic and nostalgia, along with this almost depressing state - not just simple sadness?
it's like i can get sad and cry at silly things or films, but when it's my own emotions in the mix, i don't feel them emotionally but rather physically?
Why could this be?

18-01-17, 06:29
Anxiety makes me feel sick all the time. Especially when something emotionally distressing is happening and it may trigger any anxiety at all. Anxiety can make your physical reactions overpower your mental ones. And also the other way around. Well of course thats my experience.

19-01-17, 07:28
It's amazing how closely linked emotions and physical symptoms are. Most people get physical reactions to sadness, but because we are anxious, we are hypersensitive to any physical feelings and feel it more intensely. It's completely natural to feel sick to your stomach seeing the sight you did. Do you know the killers song Mr Brightside? There's a lyric "my stomach is sick" and that is literal. Emotions are extremely powerful. Some people feel it in their stomach, others feel heavy-chested. What you're experiencing definitely isn't out of the ordinary.

20-01-17, 05:04
The fear reaction causes the body to do certain things. It tries to purge itself by going to the toilet to wee & poo. Nausea occurs too as part of this. Perhaps like the anaconda we are bringing up the stomach to get ready to fight again? :biggrin;:

Nausea is one of the most common anxiety symptoms. Running for the toilet was one of the first things I experienced when my anxiety started. It took years to sort out.

20-01-17, 11:40
I think nausea is absolutely a 'normal' reaction to so many things - fear, anger, shock, sadness. All the answers above explain it better than I can!