View Full Version : Anyone else have visual snow in their peripheral vision???

18-01-17, 01:31
I do :(

Not helping the brain tumor fears.

18-01-17, 01:45
May I ask why you're focusing on your peripheral vision? Is there a specific reason you're self testing yourself? The reason I ask is that I don't recall in my entire life checking for anomalies in my peripheral vision. I've been tested and such at eye exams but never otherwise. That being said, if I take a moment and focus on it, I certainly don't see as clearly and one could even think they see snow but then again. we don't see peripherally so....

Positive thoughts

18-01-17, 05:10
I'm honestly not sure why. It's always something sensory related with me. Either vision, smell, touch, ect. That is always pointing to a brain tumor. The past month happens to be vision. When this one ends or passes, it'll be balance, or something else sensory related. And 'round and 'round we go.

18-01-17, 12:41
And 'round and 'round we go.

What are you doing to stop the merry-go-round?

Positive thoughts

Gary A
18-01-17, 13:45
I'm honestly not sure why. It's always something sensory related with me. Either vision, smell, touch, ect. That is always pointing to a brain tumor. The past month happens to be vision. When this one ends or passes, it'll be balance, or something else sensory related. And 'round and 'round we go.

If these symptoms were being caused by a brain tumour, they wouldn't stop. They'd remain, they'd worsen over time and they'd start being accompanied by other progressive symptoms.

18-01-17, 16:44
Visual snow is something that many people have and very few have a brain tumor or some other serious neurological disorder. It's so uncommon that you can feel comfortable in knowing they're unrelated. Some are born with it, while others start to notice it later in life. Something that does tend to make it worse is anxiety.