View Full Version : Anxiety back with a bang

18-01-17, 03:47
I Zhave suffered anxiety on and off for years. I recently had a car accident plus marital issues which have clearly had an impact on me but last week I started to feel a lot better. I don't think about the accident often (maybe once a day) new car sorted and though I'm a bit nervous driving I'm doing it. This weekend gone I started feeling just not quite right. I do sometimes get anxious towards the end of my period so put it down to that. Yesterday felt foggy all day but brightened up by tea time went swimming and fell asleep at 815 (too early but was tired). This resulted in me being awake at 315 and unable to get back off. Today I had a good day but started to get terribly anxious at tea time and on and off all evening with sone intrusive thoughts and waves of anxiety. I managed to stay awake til 10 when I fell asleep until 11 then wham woke up really anxious. I'm now wide awake but tired tingly all over and so frustrated. Why when I had started feeling ok have I gone backwards? I don't want to feel like this!!! I have so much to look forward to and want to shake myself! !! Any ideas??? Before I cried and it eased the anxiety but now I dont feel like crying.

18-01-17, 05:39
You got any chamomile tea? Sometimes that helps some people with sleep problems. But other then that, anti-anxiety medicine helps with that problem as well if you've been prescribed any.

18-01-17, 08:36
Thanks. Off to the gp this afternoon so will see what they suggest. I'm not good with meds but can't go on like this!

18-01-17, 08:52
Allrighty. :) But keep in mind though, that anti-anxiety meds are only as good as a band-aid; a temporary fix when you need it. But also having CBT with a therapist helps with deeper issues. They can help you get to the root of your issues and see things from a logical point of view, which helps you in the long run to overcome this.

And yeah I'm not good with meds either, but I found anti-anxiety meds to be not as bad as I thought and they've helped me get through the worse panic attacks over the years.

18-01-17, 12:33
Thank you! I'm hoping to be referred for cbt. The main issue I have right now is lack of sleep crap appetite and an awful spaced out feeling. Under all that I am.being positive. I really feel like if I could just shake my head hard enough the real me would appear!!!!