View Full Version : 4 months of so much& now dealing with insomnia. I feel like I just can't no more.

18-01-17, 04:25

I posted about my insomnia before. I just been going through a rough time

September I dealt with a 6 year relationship breakup and it really broke my heart and then In November I got a viral infection that wouldn't go away with any antibiotics. They ran so many tests and gave me and overload of antibiotics just to tell me it was viral and nothing they could do for me. That went on throughout all the holidays and school finals. I went to take my last final with a high fever and in almost tears. I'm not sure how I managed to even get through school dealing with so much. I'm still dealing with the swollen tonsils but all other symptoms from the viral infection have gone. (Keeping fingers crossed they don't come back). The problem now is that I'm dealing with insomnia for more than 2weeks. That viral infection left me wiped out physicially and emotionally. (2months to go away ) now I'm dealing with insomnia and

It's like I've lost my sleep. I lay In bed and don't drift off to sleep for hours and if I do it's extremely light with so many dreams and feel like I'm not even sleeping. I wake up every 45mins- 1 hour. It's like I dream all night and don't go into deep sleep whatsoever. I wake up drained or sometimes I don't . I don't even get that dozing off feeling anymore . I never had insomnia before and I'm scared .

Had anyone gone through this type of insomnia ??? All I see in this forum when people speak of light sleep and vivid dreams is sporadic or familial fatal insomnia. I know I don't have that but why can't I just get deep sleep like I use too.

Last 4 months have been completely horrible. I have faith things will get better but I feel like I just can't .

I went to see my psychiatrist and poured my heart out from desperation. He knows I've been bad before but even he said this is the first time he seen me so bad.

He prescribe me two different meds to try to sleep so I don't get hooked on one or loose the efficacy of either one .

I just want to beat this out of my own will. I'm tired of pills someone help me .

18-01-17, 05:11
I went through some sleeping problems last year. I think mine had to do with so much on my mind I couldn't sleep but couple hours a night If that. It's not fun. I did have to take some sleep aid some but not so much that my body started resisting it or anything. I've heard that can happen. Try taking sleep aid couple nights then take none.

18-01-17, 08:52
You sounds exactly like me I went through a split from my partner after 6 years my anxiety and panic attacks came back hit with a horrendous viral infection in October 2015, then massive panic attack which resulted in insomnia and other mental health issues i for the last year and a bit have suffered from the waking up every 1hr to 2hr after vivid dreams and this continues the whole night every night. I am now so sleeep deprived that my brain has racing thoughts all day everyday and more so at night I start dreaming before I'm asleep. I have refused medications for personal reasons. I don't really have advice I'm sorry other than try and keep a routine bed time and get up time the same everyday don't take naps and no phone or screen an hour before bed

18-01-17, 09:47
Some good tips for insomnia..

1. Don't use devices which emit blue light at least an hour before you want to go to sleep and keep them out of the bedroom.

2. Eat a light snack about an hour before bed, something with Tryptophan if poss.

3. A warm (not hot) bath. Epsom salts in a bath is very relaxing or if you can't be bothered running a bath, have a foot bath instead.

4. Try and get into bed no later than 10pm as the most restorative sleep takes place before midnight.

5. Don't watch stimulating TV or listen to fast paced music before bed.

6. Try a herbal drink with Valerian an hour before bed.

7. Read a light-hearted book.

8. Try some guided meditation in bed. Apps like Headspace and Insight Timer may be helpful.

9. Try a Magnesium supplement before bed as magnesium is a relaxant. Always check with your pharmacist if you are taking any medication as some supplements can have an effect on certain medication.

10. Accept that it will get better.

18-01-17, 09:48
Wow our stories sound really alike. I'm sorry you're also going through this. How do you deal with the sleep issues? That's what's affecting me the most the sleep problems.