View Full Version : More worries about lights and vision (particularly brake and traffic lights)

18-01-17, 11:45
Hey there,

Back again, I'm finding it so hard to move on from my vision anxiety, I keep looking for small changes to it every day and when I see something different I'm triggered.

For a bit of background I suffer from:

* Mild astigmatism
* I'm short sighted and wear glasses
* I suffer from ghosting on digital screens with white text on dark backgrounds/any bright light source against a dark background
* I get starbursts from bright points of light (like a small LED light on a laptop charger for example)

I have 2 main problems:

1. Car brake lights

Recently I've been obsessing about the glow around streetlights and car brake lights. Basically in dark/dim conditions I see a bit of an exaggerated glow around brake lights, something like this http://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/traffic/rules-of-the-road/nakxvp/picture52473510/ALTERNATES/LANDSCAPE_1140/brake%20lights or this https://w-dog.net/wallpaper/nissan-gtr-r35-fog-brake-lights/id/214289/ when I'm close to the vehicle (doesn't happen at all from a distance). I'm panicking that this is perhaps new although I don't know if I'm just focusing more on it - I can't say for sure. I'd describe it as looking through a slightly dirty (but evenly coated) car window at the lights. I've tried washing the window on the outside and clearing the window of any steam from the inside, cleaning my glasses etc, but it still happens. Is it normal? Is it something I should be concerned about?

2. Traffic lights

For the last few months I've noticed a slight ghosted repetition of the red and yellow traffic lights (when lit) below the original light source. It would have started about 2/3rds of the way down from the original LED circle, but now it seems to be starting about half-way down - it definitely seems a bit lower than it has been. I know it sounds so silly but it's making me miserable thinking there is something seriously wrong with me.

I've made multiple trips to the opticians and doctors last year about ghosting rather than this and they keep telling me my eyes are healthy, my retina is healthy, nothing to worry about etc. My main concern is if this is something new - which I can't definitively say it is or it isn't.

Agh, I'm so frustrated.

Clydesdale Epona
18-01-17, 12:37
I'm pretty careless when it comes to my eye sight, i never wore my glasses as often as i should before i lost them(oops) i don't think it's anything to be concerned personally, it all sees fine to me :) x