View Full Version : BPPV or crazy anxiety dizziness?

18-01-17, 13:55

I just wondered something.

I know a lot of doctors put down all our weird symptoms down to anxiety.

How would he know I just have dizziness from anxiety or that I actually have BPPV?

Thanks x

18-01-17, 15:05
BPPV is usually easy to diagnose from the symptoms. And it's much different to just dizziness, it's true spinning vertigo that is brought on by a change in head position.

18-01-17, 15:53
Thanks for replying.

Bugger, I thought if it was this it could be sorted.


18-01-17, 16:18
I feel your pain. I woke up like a month and a half ago with crazy vertigo and of course that flared my anxiety like wildfire. The vertigo left after a few hours but I've been feeling foggy/dizzy/headachy since and it's confirmed not to be bppv but the docs don't know what it is and are leaning towards anxiety. Which honestly, from all the symptoms I've had in my life from anxiety, wouldn't be surprised if this was also caused by it.

What frustrates me about anxiety is you can be having a perfectly fine day with little to no anxiety and a symptom like dizziness or a heart palpitation will happen and it's all because of your anxiety. If I'm feeling good my anxiety shouldn't throw symptoms at me!! Gaah! Haha

Just know you aren't alone in having a heavy dizzy head :)

19-01-17, 00:01
I get dizziness and light headedness pretty regular but its never predictable and worst when I am anxious.

19-01-17, 00:05

I seem to be dizy almost all the time, especially when I leave the house.

It's so frustrating and unpredictable.:mad::mad:


19-01-17, 00:34
I had a bought of vertigo for about two weeks. It eventually went away when I started to get more sleep.

19-01-17, 01:13
I had a dizzy spell a few days ago and also one today. Came out of nowhere. Scared me of course. Why does anxiety cause dizziness? Is it from the adrenaline?

bin tenn
19-01-17, 03:40
A couple years ago I woke up, and as I stood from bed I became severely dizzy. I had to lean against a wall to stay up (at least that's what it felt like). It lasted throughout the day, though significantly improved about an hour after the initial dizziness. Ever since then, I occasionally experience some dizziness.

Just recently I got out of bed and had the same sensation again. I sat back down and it passed within a couple minutes. I also get lightheaded in most public places, presumably from some not-so-obvious anxiety (GAD or agoraphobia, maybe).

While I haven't discussed it with my doc, I do plan to mention it when I see her fairly soon. I do wonder if mine is actually BPPV though, as I am very often dizzy with a change in head position/orientation (especially looking up).

19-01-17, 04:50
I had a dizzy spell a few days ago and also one today. Came out of nowhere. Scared me of course. Why does anxiety cause dizziness? Is it from the adrenaline?

Part of it is. The other part is when your pulse or blood pressure is a little high while standing still, from the anxiety and\or panic attacks.

A couple years ago I woke up, and as I stood from bed I became severely dizzy. I had to lean against a wall to stay up (at least that's what it felt like). It lasted throughout the day, though significantly improved about an hour after the initial dizziness. Ever since then, I occasionally experience some dizziness.

Just recently I got out of bed and had the same sensation again. I sat back down and it passed within a couple minutes. I also get lightheaded in most public places, presumably from some not-so-obvious anxiety (GAD or agoraphobia, maybe).

While I haven't discussed it with my doc, I do plan to mention it when I see her fairly soon. I do wonder if mine is actually BPPV though, as I am very often dizzy with a change in head position/orientation (especially looking up).

Yeah I had the spinning room (vertigo) myself about a month ago. I was fine most of the day when I was up standing or walking around, but man ever time I lean over forward (like to tie my shoes or something) or leaned back with my face just about pointing towards the ceiling...bam! Instant vertigo until it passed or if I changed my head position quickly to counter it.

Went to the docs and it turned out to be inner ear infection. Got prescribed a 10 day course of antibiotics and feel much better now to date. No more spinning room vertigo.

That kind of dizzeness (vertigo) is not the same as the rockin' ship feeling you get with anxiety and panic disorder. Or at least it never has been with me.

19-01-17, 08:56

Mine is the rocking on a boat dizziness. :mad:

I hate it


19-01-17, 11:02

Mine is the rocking on a boat dizziness. :mad:

I hate it


Yeeup! That's a typical side effect of anxiety and panic disorder. I get it as well just about every day and I hate it too.

19-01-17, 11:12

19-01-17, 16:38
I have had health anxiety in different forms now and nearly every symptom I have had is anxiety or a psychosomatic enhancement of a minor issue.

I recently had a lightheaded dizzy feeling for a week. As an anxious person I felt dizzy and it wouldnt shake, I would focus on it and make me upset. You live in your symptoms and focus inward which makes them worse. A non anxious person would probably get some dizziness, brush it off unless it was a genuine disturbance with a medical issue.

What I did was best as possible get on with my life. I went bowling one night and I was fine for them 2 hours. If I had a medical issue I would be dizzy then especially bowling!!! After that I accepted it as anxiety and it faded away without noticing when it stopped.

If you are concerned go to the GP but its likely to be anxiety if they find nothing wrong. Try do something that will genuinely distract yourself and see how you feel after. :) if it has gone during that time believe it is anxiety.

19-01-17, 19:20

OMG, I love this.

"psychosomatic enhancement of a minor issue"

Ever word you have written is so true.


19-01-17, 20:21
You will be fine in time :)