View Full Version : Questioning if anxiety can really make you feel this way

18-01-17, 15:37
Hi I haven't been on for a little while as I thought id try and have a break from going on forums but for weeks now anxiety has been really bad and I'm questioning weather or not is it really anxiety I have or something else mentally wrong with me like depression or something else because of the way I have been feeling everyday for weeks, I'll try and explain the best way I can how I feel, so please bare with as I try to explain.Everyday as soon as I wake up my mind starts thinking all sorts and half of it don't make sence I feel as if I don't want to doing anything at all I do is sit in my room most of the day either watching the same TV program's or lay doing breathing exerciseces because half the time I'm to scared to even make a cup of tea even tieding up around the house or washing up cooking a meal I feel I can't do it because I get scared, and even if any of my children come to see me I grt so anxiouse because I know I will gave to sit down stairs with them and when I'm sitting with them all I keep thinking is hope they go soon. I just don't seem to have any motivation to do anything No enjoyment in anything at all I sort of feel lost and lonely. It is worring me as to why I'm feeling like this and it scares me because I don't want to feel this way as I want to be able to do the normāl things everyone else does but I just feel so scared to do them. I'm worried incase I'm getting depression and i or its some thing more seriousely mentally wrong with me as surely anxiety can't make you feel this way and if I'm the only one who is like it. I am waiting for therapy and have just started having a a suport worker come once a week to see me from the mental health teām she is a occupational therapist/ care co-ordinater. Sorry for posting such along most but I just wanted to tell someone how I'm feeling and hope maybe that someone on here can give me some reassurance that everything thing I'm feeling is just anxiety and that other people have felt like me at some point. Thk you

18-01-17, 16:15
It's good that you have some breathing exercises to do. Do you find that they help at all?

20-01-17, 10:34
Anyone ?

20-01-17, 10:37
someone on here can give me some reassurance that everything thing I'm feeling is just anxiety and that other people have felt like me at some point.

This would only make you feel better temporarily right?

20-01-17, 10:50
Maybe SLA as I just would like to know if it is just the anxiety that is making me feel this way and if anyone else has felt this way so I can put my mind to rest and to try and understand it

20-01-17, 11:00
Hi Tricia,

I've looked through your post history, and can see that you've struggled with this for years, and like to seek reassurance on here.

You are in a negative cycle, and reassurance only makes you feel better for a moment, and then it continues.

Is it ok if I ask you some questions?

I read that you struggled with intrusive thoughts before. Do you still get these? Do you know how to manage them?

What do you enjoy doing with your days?

Would you be open to suggestions of a change in diet?

Any particular worries or concerns that are persistent at the moment?

20-01-17, 11:56
I don't mind answering ur questions SLA , I try to manage the intrusive thoughts by if I get one I tell myself that was a stupid thought and tell myself I don't want to do that Even tho they scare me sometimes it works sometimes it don't so not sure if I'm doing it the right way. As for wat I like doing with my day to be honest I don't have anything I enjoy doing I've never had any hobbies really I can't even think wat I like enjoying I don't have no friends or family near me ecept one daughter who lives near by as I moved to another part of the city which is 9 miles away I don't drive and I struggle useing public transport to go and see them so I don't see anyone ecept my son and daughter who live with me . I'm going to be really honest with u SLA all I do most of the day is sit in my room because I'm to scared of the how I'm I'm feeling to do anything I'm too scared of the anxiety even tho I tell myself anxiety cannot harm me or doing anything to me but that don't help. As for diet I struggle financially as I'm on beniefts so I can't afford to eat really healthy foods soy diet is poor. So I worrie a lot about the money side of things also I have H/a So that don't help and also the past few weeks has been a worring time as my sister was seriously ill in hospital with double pnewmonia But she is getting better now but I do constly worrie about her because is a alcoholic and a drug user for yrs .

20-01-17, 13:47
Thanks for answering those questions. Not many people do, and thats incredibly brave of you to put it all out there like that.

Obviously, you've felt very burdened by your anxiety for many years, and it seems like there is no way out.

I can give you my reassurance that it is anxiety, because I felt like that for many years. I can also reassure you that things can improve, but it does take a little time.

Anxiety lives on trapping us in cycles.

You sit in your room because you feel anxious, but then your anxiety increases because all you do is sit in a room. Anxiety is often a feeling of a lack of control or certainty about life. So you feel like sitting in your room will stop you feeling anxious. But then you get depressed because all you do all day is sit in a room.

I have a friend who is a lot like you. She continually shuts herself off from things because they make her feel anxious, rather than facing them and getting through them. She still anxious, but she is stuck at home a lot too.

It does take time, but planning a few small things to do each day that you can focus on will gradually help you break through the anxiety.

Intrusive thoughts are nothing to worry about. They are a symptom of anxiety and depression. They are not your thoughts, your brain is stressed and worried.

I hope in some small way, you can find a bit of peace, and hope for the future.

Take care


20-01-17, 14:05

I am so pleased to hear that you have managed to access a support worker as you have been struggling far to long alone with all of this.

I hope that the visits make a difference to you and that they can show you ways to get out of this negative cycle that you are in

20-01-17, 14:39
Thk you both souch for your kindness and suport u have gave me I jut wish I wasn't so afraid of the anxiety and find the courage to just let the symtoms and thoughts just be there and still do wat ever I want xxx

20-01-17, 15:03
Anxiety is a bit like a loud-mouthed yob, who is drunk, and getting in your face, giving it "loads of talk"...

...but... he's behind bars. He can't ever touch you. He seems hard, and scary, and you want to run away from him. But he has no power over you if you don't let him.

Once you realise this, you can square up to him. Poke your tongue out at him. Call him names, and dance in front of him. Look him square in the eyes, and say "f**k this... you can't control me..."

You are right, it does take courage to stand up against anxiety.

Start small, and you will slowly chip away at it. Take the power back. Don't let it control you for life.

These days, in some ways, my anxiety is my friend. Because I understand it, and I can see it for what it is. A scared voice in my head, that chirps up occasionally.

I am grateful for my anxiety now, because it has helped me enjoy the small things in life. I am a sensitive soul in many ways.

Square up to you anxiety. You are in control. Make peace and friends with it, and move forwards together, and try and enjoy one new thing together each day.

That ended up being a bit of a ramble. Sorry. :D

20-01-17, 16:46
Tricia I know it is our biggest challenge to just let it be. To just get on with outlives as it screams in our faces

Each second I simply say let it be but to really mean those words is so hard. To not be afraid of the symptoms blazing in our bodies

The reward of peace is our prize and it's a precious one but my god do I struggle when anxiety comes. Knocking.

My heart is with u


21-01-17, 16:38
Anxiety is a bit like a loud-mouthed yob, who is drunk, and getting in your face, giving it "loads of talk"...

...but... he's behind bars. He can't ever touch you. He seems hard, and scary, and you want to run away from him. But he has no power over you if you don't let him.

Once you realise this, you can square up to him. Poke your tongue out at him. Call him names, and dance in front of him. Look him square in the eyes, and say "f**k this... you can't control me..."

You are right, it does take courage to stand up against anxiety.

Start small, and you will slowly chip away at it. Take the power back. Don't let it control you for life.

These days, in some ways, my anxiety is my friend. Because I understand it, and I can see it for what it is. A scared voice in my head, that chirps up occasionally.

I am grateful for my anxiety now, because it has helped me enjoy the small things in life. I am a sensitive soul in many ways.

Square up to you anxiety. You are in control. Make peace and friends with it, and move forwards together, and try and enjoy one new thing together each day.

That ended up being a bit of a ramble. Sorry. :D


Your posts always buoy my spirits. I hope to get to the place of peace you're at. Some days I feel so capable and able to see it for what it is (a bully and a liar) and other days I'm spiraling for fast I can't see anything around me.

I like reading your posts because the capable me thinks like you. I am working on her appearing more.

I appreciate you sharing how hard things are for you right now. This forum is here for others to try and support (and sometimes challenge) each other.

Is there anything you do find comfortable or distracting?

Perhaps when your kids come over they can participate with you in an activity you like... (doing a crossword together, or talking about a book you all have read) so you are still spending time with people who care about you, but in a way that makes you feel more comfortable. Then gradually this can change or you can challenge yourself.

Depression and anxiety are close cousins, so it's not unheard of for people to have both or for one to lead to the other.

I wish we had magic for you. All we can say is so many of us have been in similar places (that's why this forum exists), but anxiety interacts with everyone's hormones and body chemistry a little bit differently, so sometimes we can't say, "yes, that's 100% me too" and I know personally that can feel really scary and isolating.

I wish you all the best
