View Full Version : Anxiety Sky High Today! Tips?

14-04-07, 12:17
Went to a BBQ lastnight and had a few drinks, In turn it has made my anxiety sky high today, so much so I'm having trouble even sitting still, any tips or advice appreciated?? I also feel wrecked but I couldn't sleep while feeling like this

14-04-07, 13:20
I feel for you hun i do it to myself all the time.
Unfortunately you are going to have to ride it out.
Drink plenty of water and maybe go for a walk always helps me.
Hope you feel better. Take care. xx:hugs:

14-04-07, 13:44
Try and get out in the fresh air. As stace said, loads of water.

14-04-07, 13:49
Yep, walking and water (lots of water) are great. Do you have any rescue remedy? You can add that to the water. Every now and then remember to take deep breaths in through your nose and slowly out through your pursed lips. Stretch and move -- sitting still to long can really bring on the anx. If you feel really 'spaced' you may want to go wash you face -- seems to help bring back reality. Don't forget to eat small, regular meals throughout the day.

If you take vitamins, the don't forget them! Especially calcium and magneseum, both can have a slight calming affect (take those with a little dairy).

Sipping hot chamomile tea, or other herbal blend is nice.

Hope you feel better! Try not to focus on the anx. If only I remembered to do half those things when I'm anxious, I'm sure I'd feel better.

