View Full Version : Half a Year of Thinking I Beat Health Anxiety.Then I Get a Liver Cancer Worry.Help!

18-01-17, 18:47
So, A few months ago I had this full feeling in the right side of my abdomen underneath my ribs. It didn't really hurt it was just sore. Like I had been hit there.
It went away for weeks and then it came back again the same sore feeling. most of the time I could sleep it off.

Then I was working and i had this pain in my back to the right side it was very intense I almost thew up but it passed.

Now I sit here with the same full feeling and the right side of my back aching.

No other symptoms.

This was the ONE cancer worry I did not want to have. Im 19, in my first year of college, actually doing pre-med! SO its hard to stay focused though the pain and discomfort.

Im very scared something is seriously wrong with me.

Any advise? :nonono:

18-01-17, 19:37
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

18-01-17, 20:15
Any advise?

Well if the pain was bad enough that you almost threw up from it, maybe you should go to a doctor and get it checked out. But I've had some bad pains like that myself in that area, but it turned out to be gas; really bad gas. :blush:

Anyway it couldn't hurt to get it checked out for peace of mind, but it doesn't mean it's cancer so don't assume the worse, okay? Because there are so many simple things that could cause it too...like really bad gas. :D

18-01-17, 20:40
Gallstones causes pain in same area too right? Your assuming the worst but you should get checked out with that kind of pain and not sit around and worry and make your anxeity worse

19-01-17, 02:09
Liver cancer in a 19 year old? Malarkey!
See this:


See that zero?
That's how many 19 year olds have liver cancer.
People don't even START to get it until beyond age 40. Average age at diagnosis is 63.
Now quit it and go enjoy your life.
Best wishes.

19-01-17, 02:15
There are no doctors here. I doubt that you have liver cancer but pain like that should be discussed with a doctor. Make an appointment.

19-01-17, 10:14
Liver cancer usually comes with a panel of other symptoms like : jaundice, brownish urine and grey stools, itching all over, weight loss, apetite loss... And as stated before having a primary liver cancer at age 19 is unseen.

20-01-17, 02:39
Thanks to everyone for helping. The worst thing about health anxiety is that you can say to yourself over and over "Im ok I don't have X Cancer" But as soon as you get the pain again its like PANIC!!! I DO HAVE X CANCER!!!

Which is whats kinda whats happening to me. if i don't think about it the pain kinda goes away, but if Im sitting there it gets worse. and theres always that small part of my brain thats hyper focused on it. Im going to make a doctors appointment for next week see what he says.

I keep pressing on it which makes it SO much worse and I think its making the pain worse. Is your liver supposed to feel a bit hard?

I don't have dark urine or gray stools, My skin is already a bit yellowish but my mom says if anything i look a bit pale. appetite is good.

I really hope Im not dying. :weep: its hard not to think Im not.