View Full Version : Stomach/ cramps thigh pain is this ibs

18-01-17, 19:13
I've been having lots of stomach aches lately. I'm very tired of being in pain, I get cramp like stomach aches that go into my thighs and even ankles. I do have diarrhea sometimes and gurgling stomach. I wanted to know if this sounds like ibs? Anything I could take for it

19-01-17, 18:36

19-01-17, 22:15
Well IBS will cause stomach cramps, gurgling and diarrhea as well as other stomach ailments. But the aches or pains going into your thighs and ankles might be do to your anxiety amplifying it.

Have you been to a doctor about it yet? That's what I would do, if you haven't yet. It doesn't mean it's something serious, BTW, it's just a good idea to see a doc if you haven't already.