View Full Version : Panic when trying to rest

18-01-17, 21:23
For the past few nights I've been having bad panic attacks when trying to calm down to sleep. I have been feeling very restless, I have this feeling of being hyper and not being able to calm down, feels as if the adrenaline is still in my body, its scary. I will feel panic when lights go out. Ill just have to have the panic attack since it leaves me exhaused and able to sleep once it passes, but its the worst way to be able to rest, I'm not on any meds as they never seemed to help therefore I don't rely on benzos or sedatives at night to sleep. Also this has been a recent issue. Is this restlessness normal? I do have a lot on my mind most of the time which I only recall at night, may be the cause but I have them during the day too and I'm always at home I just visit neighbours every now and then, I notice the restless feeling happens when I've been busy with people or had a lot to do during the day and I'm unable to rest. I do have unhealthy sleeping routine I sleep late at night and a lot during the day, something I am working on changing but staying at home all day, everyday is kind of my reason... :unsure:
Anybody go through this?

19-01-17, 07:00
Every night. If I lay down without the tv on my mind goes for hours. My legs will start moving all over and I feel like adrenaline is pumping through me. It can keep me up till 3 or 4 in the morning sometimes. I feel like as soon as I lay down my body finally decides to get hyper and want to do stuff

19-01-17, 13:59
I get this, too. My mind, instead of going quiet, starts racing when I lie down to rest. I seem to go through stages of it. I'm also afraid of falling asleep. I've been struggling with this a lot. What I do is try and stay up instead of going to sleep, so I'd take my phone and watch videos or play games on it. It confuses my brain as I'm not forcing it to slow down, so I end up feeling sleepy once the panic has subsided a little.

22-01-17, 13:33
When the mind is idle, it's ready to run. That's how it goes for me too. Keep me busy, I'll be ok. Alone time, peace and quiet...a definite no go.

23-01-17, 15:55
When the mind is idle, it's ready to run.

ain't that the truth. i feel like this is the reason i always feel best when i am busy. as soon as i have down time to relax, my brain doesn't know what to do with itself. night time is particular is generally the worst because that's when most of my (and i suppose most people's) free time is. I want to learn how to be OK with free time. how to use that time to relax rather than to fear it. night time guided meditation (there are videos of this on youtube) is something i have been wanting to try, has anyone done it before? i've heard it can help you wind down.

23-01-17, 21:41
Some people find incorporating exercise into their day helpful.
Or keeping really busy during the day/expending as much energy as you can That means that hopefully when night time comes around your body (and mind) are ready for rest.

ain't that the truth. i feel like this is the reason i always feel best when i am busy. as soon as i have down time to relax, my brain doesn't know what to do with itself. night time is particular is generally the worst because that's when most of my (and i suppose most people's) free time is. I want to learn how to be OK with free time. how to use that time to relax rather than to fear it. night time guided meditation (there are videos of this on youtube) is something i have been wanting to try, has anyone done it before? i've heard it can help you wind down.

I have some mp3s that I listen to at night, guided meditations. You sometimes have to find a voice that works for you and I have found that with the ones I use. It's not a perfect solution but it does help to guide or lull me into a more relaxed state.

Sometimes when I can't sleep I come out to the couch with my pillow and blanket and the change of atmosphere is enough to break the cycle in my brain and allow me to get to sleep