View Full Version : Being breathlessness for no apparent reason

18-01-17, 22:34
Hi Everyone

For the past ten months or so I have had little episodes where I become breathlessness and experience air hunger. This can even happen when I am relaxed and sitting down and reading a book for example. One of my most disconcerting experiences is that this feeling comes on when I am lying down and perfectly awake. Sometimes this feeling is associated with rumbling or tinnitus in my ears and yawning and sighing. I have nearly fainted on a couple of occasions and nearly did so at my desk last week. I have had chest xrays, a CT scan of the chest, spirometery to rule out COPD and asthma and all has come back clear. Over the summer, I also saw a neurologist and had a neurological examination, emg and nerve conduction test, which were all fine. I have also been recently diagnosed with gallstones, so was wondering whether the pain of that, which is very intense at the moment was causing me to change my breathing? I am booked into see a respiratory consultant tomorrow, who is going to schedule some more detailed lung function tests and a hyperventilation screening. Because these symptoms have been getting me down, I have also booked to have an echocardiogram test done privately next Monday. I can't think of anything else apart from hyperventilation and anxiety or something that is problematic with my heart. I suppose at least I should find out in the next couple of days what lies at the root of the problem. I am a bit concerned as I am due to have an operation to have my gallbladder removed at the beginning of March and I don't want to have any physical reasons for my breathing problems. Does anyone have a similar experience or could give me tips on how to breathe in a way to prevent these breathlessness episodes? Thank you

20-01-17, 09:08

I get this and my chest goes tight, its happened on and off a lot recently, i had ecg, blood tests etc but they didnt find anything and i am 99% sure iots anxiety, its like the way you feel just before you have a panic attack but you dont have a full blown one.