View Full Version : Bit of advice needed

19-01-17, 00:24
I've had tonsillitis for the past few days, which anyone who's had it will know is a form of torture. I'm not at all anxious that it "might be cancer" as I've had tonsillitis many times and know it inside out. However, it's so incredibly, painful, I've been taking over-the-counter co-codamol since Monday. I also use a throat spray, and continue to take my sertraline.

To try and cut a long story short, I'm starting to feel better in terms of the tonsillitis, but I feel a little nauseous. Going to speak to my pharmacist tomorrow, although I have to stop the co-codamol at this point anyway. I just wondered if the cocktail of medicine might be the problem. Sertraline+paracetamol+codeine+lack of sleep+lack of food and drink = nausea? It seems plausible.

I wasn't vigilant with the co-codamol due to the state I was in, although I was taking it about six hours apart. I'm not majorly worried, and realise I could well just be letting the fact I'm taking these medicines get to me and that's triggering a sense of nausea.

Obviously nobody here's a doctor, but does anyone have any thoughts?

PS - tonsillitis SUCKS!! It's not just a "sore throat", I don't care what anyone says. It's brutal. I've had a fever, I've had chills, dizzy spells, confusion and, yeah, my throat feels like it's trying to burn itself to death. Honestly think it's worse than the symptoms I went through with my anxiety spiral.

19-01-17, 02:20
Gargle with salt water.

19-01-17, 02:28
You can check drug interactions on drugs.com. Co-codamol is pretty nasty stuff though as codeine is an opiate. If you bought them over the counter their probably 8/500. I've steered well clear, but gave in last month due to back pain. My doc prescribed 30/500 I took about four and never again.

I'm with you on the tonsillitis I suffered with it until I had them removed at 23. I remember all my joints aching, hot, cold and everything just hurt. It really does floor you.GWS!

19-01-17, 02:46
I'm only on OTC co-codamol (as opposed to prescribed), so yeah, it's 8/500. My dad picked it up for me from our pharmacist, who is very experienced and knows I also take sertraline. Guess I have to trust he wouldn't suggest co-codamol if he thought I was in any danger.

To be honest, I think I'm probably having a bit of nausea and anxiety as a side effect. I'm gonna knock the co-codamol on the head now anyway. I'll just wait out the tonsillitis. I'm not worried about that, grim though it is.

19-01-17, 03:21
Would think you are fine mate sometimes these medications can lead to upset stomach, constipation, nausea and diarrhea. Should actually be listed as the common side effects

19-01-17, 07:14
Can't offer advice on the interactions and nausea but my god, tonsillitis is THE WORST. Had it twice.

Second time I was so ill. I was off work for a month and my pee was black.

19-01-17, 13:04
Nausea is a main side effect of co-codamol. Hope you feel better soon and don't give HA an inch!

19-01-17, 13:13
Regular Co codamol makes me neauseas and woozy.
The stronger stuff I was given in hospital made me feel weird and not in a good way.
I'd stick to soluble paracetamol until your GP sees you

19-01-17, 17:16
Think it was just a side effect of the co-codamol. It was great for treating the pain, but it made me feel weird. I was taking soluble co-codamol. I'd take it again if needed, now I know what to expect.

I'm much better today, though. Throat is settling down and normality is returning. Been eating ice cream and it feels amazing. Glad to be on the mend. Tonsillitis is a miserable experience.

19-01-17, 17:19
Glad you're feeling better!

Positive thoughts