View Full Version : Should I see dermatologist about this?

19-01-17, 01:21
Today I noticed again this spot on my palm. I first noticed it a few weeks ago. It is not a splinter or a scab. It does not come off... it is totally flat and about 1 mm in diameter. As you can see there is a slightly lighter tiny spot next to it.

I have no idea what this is but of course I am fearing melanoma. :(

Picture: http://i.imgur.com/OOq5vzu.jpg

19-01-17, 01:27
My little boy recently had a black spot on his palm.
I made an appointment with the dermatologist, but before we could go to it, the spot fell off in the bath. It was a blood blister/ scab under the skin.
We use our hands constantly. They will exhibit signs of wear and tear.
Be at peace. The type of cancer that appears on palms and soles is incredibly rare, and it's even rarer that it appears on palms- it is usually on feet.
AND when it appears on hands, it's usually under fingernails.
And it is usually found in older persons (not sure how old you are).
Believe me, I did all this research when my baby had his black spot.
Statistically, it is incredibly unlikely that this is cancer.
In your photo, I see absolutely nothing alarming.
But by all means, go to the doctor, if it eases your mind.
Best wishes.

19-01-17, 02:11
Is it ink?


19-01-17, 02:19
I'd be at it with a needle lol

19-01-17, 02:26
No it is not ink and it is not a splinter. Could it be melanoma?

19-01-17, 02:28
There are no doctors here so go to your doctor and ask him.

19-01-17, 02:37
That looks nothing like melanoma

19-01-17, 02:45
I've just read your palm........ Do the lottery this weekend :winks:

It doesn't look like anything to worry about.

19-01-17, 03:18
That is not a melanoma so i would advise seeing a psychologist though, to help you work through your anxiety.

19-01-17, 13:14
Why do you think it's not melanoma?

19-01-17, 14:54
I just want to know if anyone else has had anything like this appear on them and whether I should bother with the dermatologist or just monitor it myself. I think it looks pretty abnormal.

19-01-17, 18:29
ALS to cancer...are you seeing a therapist for your hypochondriasis?

19-01-17, 19:11
OK I'm pretty scared. I made a dermatologist appointment. However, I also tried to kinda pick at the spot with tweezers and a needle to see if it was a splinter and I'm worried I could have pushed melanoma cells deeper into my body with the needle which could let it spread a lot further. Could this be the case?

Catherine S
19-01-17, 22:42
I'd say you have a bit of a dark side darkside. How's that pencil gripping technique coming along? :)


19-01-17, 22:48
I haven't had any more issues with that. Hopefully the dermatologist doesn't think this is anything sinister.

Catherine S
19-01-17, 22:52
Oh yes of course, here's hoping eh?


19-01-17, 23:17
I could hardly see anything? We all have little markings etc on our body/ you are just body scanning and picking up on this. I think it's nothing.

20-01-17, 01:07
Yes I know we all have marks but this didn't exist until a few weeks ago.

20-01-17, 02:32
It's tiny I really wouldn't worry

20-01-17, 03:31
Hi there so Im by no means a doctor, but I am pre-med and we talked about melanoma in the spring I actually had to do a project on this. It came at a bad time for me because at that time I as well, was having melanoma fear. I had a similar thing on my foot, it was raised and black, and a bit odd looking and it grew so fast! I thought I had a rare form of melanoma which accounts for 10-15% of all melanomas. The nodular melanoma. It had a pretty poor prognosis and week by week mine started to look like it. (Yours looks nothing like it ok? at all, nodular carcinoma is very raised, hence the name nodular.)

So back to the issue at hand...literally! So it looks like a tiny tiny blood blister. I looked at it pretty well, and like other people, i have to say that really really looks like a tiny blood blister. The color, the shape, the location, it all points to that. Do you work with your hands or have been doing a lot of handiwork? maybe opening more jars than usual?

here is a picture:

Now since it seems like you are super worried, let me give you some reassurance. So when looking for melanoma doctors will look for certain signs, remember ABCDE.

A: Asymmetry: If you split the mole in half is it equal on both sides? Yours sure looks like it! Im not talking about small discrepancies either, skin cells are not perfect, but cancerous skin cells look more like a pain splatter and very very asymmetrical.

Heres some examples:
https://www.google.com/search?q=pictures+of+melanoma&espv=2&biw=1439&bih=731&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjUn-iq3c_RAhWE8YMKHcZRBRIQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=XGwVXMfSy2FEg M%3A

B: Border. Melanoma often has super weird borders they look all over the place, and they are often crusty and notched. Its like the shape of Alaska (melanoma) vs. the shape of Colorado (normal skin lesion) you can also see that with the pictures above.

C: Color! So typically skin carcinoma have MANY different colors, brown, black, blue, white even! and they usually have multiple of these colors thats the big key.The picture above also shows the black, to brown to blue in some of those melanomas. And just to reassure you, some color discrepancies are normal as long as they also follow the ABCDEs

Here is a personal example of a mole I have had since birth in my hand mine also like your dot on your hand has a slight shift in color.


D: Diameter! Ok this one will help you lots its pretty simple. Get a pencil. now flip it over. see the eraser? ok if its bigger than that, then maybe thats a red flag but yours is by no means bigger than that. So please don't worry about it.

E: Evolution. So this one is just, if it grows. I say in all honesty wait 2 weeks. melanoma, just melanoma, will not kill you in 2 weeks. so wait, if it has grown or shown more of the ABCDEs then by all means go see the doctor.

I also want to make a small side note: Skin carcinoma usually appears in hands and feet of people who are of color. So black folks, Hispanic folks, ect.
and it is very rare too.

I am Mexican, When I got the thing on my foot, i panicked because I was having "all the signs" (except the ones I didn't but we all know as HA sufferers that we overlook those.) Mine was a wart I got from being a competitive swimmer and walking barefoot all the time. Yours is most probably a blood blister.

Good luck though! it will be ok!:yesyes:

20-01-17, 15:13
Thanks for your feedback. Wish I could just go a few weeks without a health scare.

21-01-17, 18:47
I'm really struggling today. I feel like this is definitely going to be melanoma and I will have a long, difficult battle with cancer ahead while my young children look on in horror as I suffer and shrivel away. :(

I really hope this isn't melanoma and is just a freckle or something.

Catherine S
21-01-17, 19:16
Thats a bit dark even for you darkside :shades:

21-01-17, 19:23
This little spot just looks darker than my other freckles.