View Full Version : No breaks between adrenaline rushes

19-01-17, 08:45
Do u ever get days when there is simply no let up. The adrenaline is going thru u all day long and the thought of acceptance just seems too great a challenge

Just struggling with those days ATM wondered if I am alone


19-01-17, 09:50
Yes, for some reason I always get them at night, along with racing intrusive thoughts. It's a pain in the arse.

19-01-17, 16:43
You're not alone. That constant 'on edge' feeling, mind racing, heart pounding etc. Like Arose, I hate it when it runs into the night and you simply cannot switch off and get the rest you've needed all day.

19-01-17, 17:36
It's just so hard. People are talking to me but my mind is on how I feel. I want to run away or punch them. It's just so horrible.

19-01-17, 18:22
Hi, I've had it all day long, I've had it so bad I couldn't function, I felt so sick, palpitations, bad stomach, insomnia I couldn't work or look after my kids at the height of my crisis but I was terrified as I didn't know what was happening.

When I have set backs I start with an intense rush of adrenaline then when that calms I can still feel adrenaline there as my heart beat will be noticable, my appetite will go, I won't sleep well and will have more adrenaline symtoms on waking this lasts a few days. During this time it's easy to despair but I try and carry on, do lots of exercise, try to think positive as even bad thoughts will increase the adrenaline, I take Kalms at night and meditate more and I find taking beta blockers in the morning helps.

You are not alone, I often wondered if you could have physical symptoms all day every day, in the beginning when I was getting my medication right I had papitations all day for weeks, I honestly thought they would always be there but in time they went.

25-01-17, 06:25
This is all too familiar to me, mine comes and goes. If you practice CBT or use mindfulness it helps a lot. It's the most difficult thing you will ever do is try and get out of your head while feeling like you do.

25-01-17, 06:37
Do u ever get days when there is simply no let up. The adrenaline is going thru u all day long and the thought of acceptance just seems too great a challenge

Just struggling with those days ATM wondered if I am alone


Yes, I get days like this but I find it helps to work with the adrenalin by working or walking it off and upping the relaxation exercises in-between. I also make sure I eat something every few hours to prevent blood sugar spikes. As hard as it is to accept, it's exactly what you need to do. It will subside eventually.