View Full Version : Small changes in routine affecting my anxiety

19-01-17, 12:29
Does anyone else find that even slight changes in routine can make their anxiety worse? I came into work an hour late today because my anxiety was really bad this morning (so I was already not great) and when I got in my colleague was using my computer/desk as he needed a programme that was on it. I had to use his, and even though it wasn’t a huge change, I spent the two hours I had to sit at his computer almost in tears. It sounds ridiculous typing it now (back at my own desk!) and I think the main issue was that I was already having a really bad day and had considered asking to work from home all day and then this just threw me. In order to even get myself to the office I’d had to plan out my day, tell myself how I could postpone the meeting I had this afternoon and aim to just sit at my desk, head down, and get through the day. Also, I have a little desk fan on my desk that I have on all the time which does help my anxiety by keeping me cool and I didn’t have that at his desk.

I know it’s ridiculous but it’s totally ruined my day and I am so (irrationally I know) angry at my colleague for doing it! Also he has a horrendous cold and was coughing and sneezing all over the place 

Does anyone else struggle with slight changes when their anxiety levels are already high?

19-01-17, 12:49
Everything is a struggle when my anxiety is high.

So slight changes do seem more important, but if you weren't anxious, then they wouldn't bother you as much.

So the problem is the anxiety. Not the annoyances. They just seem worse because of the anxiety.

Hope that makes sense, because it is quite an important point.

19-01-17, 14:01
I hate changes in routine; they unsettle me. I tend to function the best when I know what's happening and when. I agree with SLA, though, everything is worse because of the anxiety.

19-01-17, 18:10
Oh u r so not alone here. It's the anxiety because without it minor changes would mean nothing. It's because we are sensitised that out minds and bodies react out of proportion. It's almost unbearable

Your not alone


25-01-17, 06:34
wow! I'm so like this. Feels great to know I'm not alone in thinking this. I dislike moving furniture around and the slightest talk of doing that triggers me. My mom even wanted to upgrade her TV and I wouldn't let her because I was already anxious and a slight change scared me so I asked her to hold off until it gets better and I can deal with it.