View Full Version : Side effects when increasing?

19-01-17, 12:33
I've been on 10mg Citalopram for about 4 months for anxiety and depression, it helped immensely and I had a few great weeks in the run up to Christmas. I'm having a bit of a blip, it's been 3 weeks of increased anxiety, shakes, upset stomach and tearfulness. I'm waiting for my nurse to speak with the psychiatrist about my medication but I suspect he may want to increase it. I seem to be very sensitive to it and had awful side effects for a month when I started. Increased anxiety, very low mood, nausea, insomnia. I have never taken more than 10mg, I just wondered how others have been affected when increasing once they are established on citalopram? Jen

19-01-17, 15:06
I found going up to 20mg the hardest and then went from the 20 up to 40mg which was much easier and made me 100% better. Sadly my GP took me off it after three years and I'm really struggling again.

19-01-17, 16:53
Oh I'm sorry to hear your GP has done that, my psychiatrist has written to my GP stating I need to stay on them long term as my anxiety is recurring so often. Is the reduction because you were doing so well? I'm not sure wether to ask for an increase or try and ride out this latest blip on the 10mg.