View Full Version : Pulse in stomach?

19-01-17, 12:50
I can see and feel my pulse in my stomach. I've been able to see it for as long as I can remember. I see it if I'm laying down, like in the tub. If I put pressure on it with my fingers I can feel it running between my ribs to my navel. Is this normal? Of course I googled it.

I'm normal weight and 29, and female. I don't have high blood pressure. I just don't want to rush to my gp if this is common.

Right now I can feel it lying on my back in bed. I have an empty stomach. Other times I can feel it if I cross my arms over my stomach while standing. When I do that I can feel it inside, not externally.

I hope this all makes sense :(

19-01-17, 13:14
I've had it for years. The slimmer I get, the more apparent it is. I kind of like it now because it reminds me that I'm alive.:yesyes:

19-01-17, 13:16
I've had it for years. The slimmer I get, the more apparent it is. I kind of like it now because it reminds me that I'm alive.:yesyes:

Can you feel it with your fingers when you press on it? It feels rather strong, like my pulse in my neck. But I do have to press down to feel that.

19-01-17, 13:36
I have it to and I'm not even slim really. About average size. I asked ER Doctor about it he said normal being your biggest artery runs down it.

19-01-17, 13:37
Can you feel it with your fingers when you press on it? It feels rather strong, like my pulse in my neck. But I do have to press down to feel that.

Yeah and I've just had an abdo scan done and they will have seen it then and it's all completely normal.