View Full Version : Finding Acceptance

19-01-17, 14:57
Hi everyone. I've jumped around quite a bit in the past with thinking that different things are wrong with me. I have received a diagnosis that has been quite hard for me to accept. While I am struggling with my health issue (chronic but not deadly), I've noticed that my attitude about it is either going to make or break me.

Right now, I'm just hoping that I can come to peace with this. I'm also taking steps to getting better (mentally) by cutting out the people in my life that are negative. I have noticed a difference because I'm panicking less, and I have noticed that I can't be around people that are always negative. The new positivity in my life has helped, but now I'm just working on acceptance.

Any tips on how you developed acceptance--whether it's for your anxiety or a health issue?

I am in therapy but I'd also like to know what has worked for others? Maybe we can help each other?

19-01-17, 15:13
What a beautiful first post. :)

I am so glad you appear to be heading in the right direction, but obviously it is still very difficult.

Last year I had a lot to accept mentally, and found myself in a similar position, although not with a physical illness.

For me, it was also make or break. And I also cut a lot of negative people out of my life, and felt a lot better.

I started reading philosophy, particularly Stoicism, and I found a lot of wisdom there which helped me accept things, and to face up to the challenge.

I read a book called The Obstacle is the Way. It is about overcoming adversity. It's very good.

Would be happy to talk, and look forward to hearing more from you.

19-01-17, 15:31
I'm glad you are starting to get to a better place as well! Life seems much more promising when you find things that make you happy. I also think that was one of my biggest problems, I focused solely on my anxiety/health and forgot about what made me happy.

I will definitely get that book because reading helps, and I might as well read something productive haha! I appreciate your response, and feel free to message me any time if you need to talk :)

19-01-17, 18:31
Oh how I envy you both, I have OCD with HA so I tend to obsess and my grip is stronger than I would like.

I too am going to check out the stoicism book, Im looking for ways to find the beauty, joy and fun I used to see in life.