View Full Version : hiv scared help

19-01-17, 15:06
so i suffer ridiculous health anxiety under cbt on meds not doing anything no matter how hard i try
yesterday was cleaning at my sisters and i pricked myself with one of her glucose monitor needles that had been used i instantly went into meltdown it drew blood and i washed it ... the monitor hasnt been used for three months and i read that virusus cant live on things for more then a few hours....
also my sister had it when she was pregnant because she had gestational diabetes she is sure the only people to of use it is her and her partner

i rang my docs who no im insane and trying to stay away from hospitals because i went wayyyy to much last yr my doc refused to see me just told the receptionist to tell me to go to a and e and get tested if im worried.
my family went mad for even thinking i could of caught something
and from what iv read online it impossible to pass anything on threw a lancet needle
someone anyone do u think im just being irrational i cant go to a and e because il end up being sectioned again my scared mind saying what if someone else used it . my sister really hurt my husband is sick of me they dont get why im scared please help me:(

19-01-17, 15:27
Do you think you are being irrational?

19-01-17, 15:35
to be honest i dontknow iv neverworried bbout this sort of thing before obviously to annexstent i think im being irrational but my health anxiety is seriously out of control

i read so many places it wouldnt live long enough to infect me and my sister is adament nobody else used

i just dont wamt to go to hospital if im not at risk but then i panick what if i leave ittoo long

19-01-17, 15:41
my health anxiety is seriously out of control


You're rational enough to write that your health anxiety is seriously out of control. You recognize this. Can you use this rational to quell what you obviously recognize to be irrational?

Positive thoughts

Gary A
19-01-17, 15:44
to be honest i dontknow iv neverworried bbout this sort of thing before obviously to annexstent i think im being irrational but my health anxiety is seriously out of control

i read so many places it wouldnt live long enough to infect me and my sister is adament nobody else used

i just dont wamt to go to hospital if im not at risk but then i panick what if i leave ittoo long

How can anyone help you here? You've read that any virus wouldn't live long enough to infect you, God only knows why you'd assume HIV was lurking on the needle in the first place. You are jumping through hoops in order to worry about something and no matter who tells you otherwise you just won't accept it.

Yes, you're being irrational, to put it mildly.

19-01-17, 15:50
i understand that and accepted it until i spoke to my doctors it just thrown me because i thought theyd know it too if that makes sense thank you for taking time to respond to me i apreciate it

19-01-17, 15:51
i think im being irrational

OK, so move on and break the cycle of thought. You are the only person who can do this for you.

19-01-17, 15:53
thank you i havent posted on here for a while because i dont like to anoy people with my stupidity normally i can evenutally tlk myself down but with this i dont know wether because it new and i dont know alot about it iv been a crying mess for two days

19-01-17, 15:55
1. HIV virus is fragile outside a host ( it can't survive outside the body for more than a few minutes

2. You said she use them while having gestational diabetes ( would she keep hiv infested needles in her house with a baby?

3 I'm sure your sis not her husband don't have hiv

4 you can go to a hospital and ask for PReP medication but I highly doubt they would give it to you since there's no risk


19-01-17, 16:12
hi thank you
1. this is the one piece of information that wasnt keeping me saine
2.i know 100% my sister doesnt have hiv or hep as she would of been tested when preg
3. im pretty sure her partner doesnt as shed have it too
4 the last place in world i want to go is hospital as i practically lived there last year.
the things i cant let go of is i dont know for sure nobody else used it and why did my docs not say about it not being a risk when i spoke to them they said to me i had to go and get tested but then told my husband if i want to he said to me if they said to him i had to hed support it ...but for some reason they said something different to him :s so frustrated

19-01-17, 16:16
Does your sister or her partner have HIV? If the answer is no, then you don't either.

19-01-17, 16:18
Well you need to let go of it. Do you reckon there are going to be other people having a go on your sister's monitor?

19-01-17, 16:20
Do they live with other people you suspect might have used it?

I highly
Doubt and intruder broke in and decided to use a needle they seen laying around.

Would they really keep needles around used by a friend or whoever especially with a baby around ?

Like I said the HIV virus can't live outside a host for no more than a few mins.

If you honestly truly believe you were expose which I doubt. The it would be to go and ask for PReP ( which is given in real cases where people
Have been exposed to prevent infection)

Only the doctor will
Be able to advise you whether they can give you PReP or not. I'm sure they would say you had no risk

19-01-17, 16:24
was keeping me sane rather

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

to be honest id say 60 per cent of me thinks im just nuts and over reacting it like an anoying thing keep poking me saying but what if i know im exstremly anxious because i cant sleep eat or think straight and i know when im bad i over anyalise everything and people can say things and i only seem to take in the negative like at first i read ur message all i saw was if you genuinly think your at risk go hospital.
i even asked my pharmasist who known me since i was a kid and knows my family and he said hed highly doubt it i could kick my doc he know what im like

19-01-17, 16:32
Trust me I highly doubt you had any risk.

Take it from someone that also has health anxiety towards HIV.

Freak out when you poke yourself with a needle in the street or from someone that you truly don't know . Then I would say run to the hospital and get PReP.

My uncle has something similar for his diabetes and I don't go anywhere near it .

Trust me why would anyone want to use her monitor ??

If you saw a monitor like that at a friends house would you go near it or bother to use it ? I'm 1000% sure you wouldn't even mess with it

19-01-17, 16:33
she adament she was last one to use to hopefully im just overreacting
thank you very much for taking time to try and get me to see it logically

19-01-17, 16:38
Either you believe us and move on or believe your anxiety. If you choose the anxiety route than get a hiv duo test at 28 days

19-01-17, 16:40
not sure what that is i was confused by doc as he said to tell me to just go and get a blood test today but i only did it yesterday :s
im praying it goes off because i havent worried about hiv or hep before and its bloody awful

19-01-17, 16:44
Your sister and husband doesnt have HIV, she had a baby so it would be known.

I have had HIV anxiety when I was sleeping around no protection (understand that is a silly thing to do). I dont have HIV.

Remind yourself your sister doesnt have HIV, the virus wouldnt have survived and if somehow it was there a small prick wouldnt have given you it it would need to be direct into you so it could be absorbed.

If you think bad thoughts about HIV, accept them and carry on with what you are doing at the time it will pass.

19-01-17, 16:47
not sure what that is i was confused by doc as he said to tell me to just go and get a blood test today

Sounds to me based on your initial post that he was just fobbing you off.

Look, as has been said, you can either move on or worry for no reason. Reassurance has to come from within you. You're rational enough to know you're being irrational so?.....

Positive thoughts

19-01-17, 16:53
thank you gtaz i feel for you this is one of the worse ones iv experienced yet i think its like torture you have your rational part but the what ifs suffocate you i couldnt even tell you where the worry came from like i said iv never worried about it before :s

hi fishmanpa lovely to hear from you youve helped me alot in the past
thats what my logical side telling me that he was fobbing me off he wouldnt even speak to me himself he got the receptionist to ring originally when i rang last night the practice manager rang me back and said just forget about it with my anxiety i normally have one doc and just speak to them so there is no confusion and i know where i stand but in recent months he sort of just like you say fobs me off hard because he was one person i really trusted

19-01-17, 16:57
You will get past it, I got over that anxiety (and moved onto other issues now).

When you think about having HIV, just accept the thought and do not react to it you are fine.

You know that needle didnt have HIV on it. You know you are fine.

Do something that relaxes you, eventually the thoughts will pass as deep down you know you are ok, you are giving power to the thoughts invading your mind, dont fight them just let them do their thing and they will pass. :)

19-01-17, 17:01
Hiv duo test detects hiv sooner than just a regular Antibody test. Here in the states it's recommended to test at 28day post exposure.

I hate anxiety because no matter how much we want to believe the rational part we can't. You were not expose to hiv .

I'm battling with insomnia and sleeping problem and people keep telling me it'll get better , but guess what?

I keep believing my crappy anxiety that I'll never sleep good again and I've lost the ability to get deep sleep. We are all fighting battles here , but believe the fact that you were not expose to hiv. I'm sure your anxiety is telling you all these "what if's"

19-01-17, 17:04
thank you so much it means alot having someone who understands take the time to respond i try to talk to my husband but he just doesnt get it and gets mad at me :( thank u

---------- Post added at 17:04 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

thank you miz im so sorry to hear you are suffering too
i suffer from insomnia too i know how frustrating and draining it is
i find it hard when people who dont suffer say oh itl pass or snap out of it i dont understand how anybody could think people like us choose it . i know like with this hiv thing i can contol it by telling it to do one but as you probly know its not that simple.
this has been the worst two days of my life and if my history is anything to go by itl last longer then this. its strange i normally only worry about sudden death this is worse the idea of having something that would kill me and id know about it is awful

19-01-17, 17:17
I've been In your shoes like I told you I have a fear of HIV. I went through a scare not that long ago I got tested and I was negative ( my anxiety kept telling me maybe my new partner has it) he didn't have anything but my mind wouldn't leave it alone.

Insomnia is terrible seeing everyone at home sleeping and here I am being awaken by my anxiety and panic. I'm trying to tackle it without anti depressants.

So I'm seeing a therapist that specialize in anxiety, insomnia,and all that I'm trying acupuncture and herbal stuff for my anxiety. However, I need to find my way out of this hole.

Like you said it sucks hearing it'll pass from people that never been in your shoes or that don't suffer from anxiety.

Trust us we all suffer from anxiety and fears... like I told you I fear hiv and trust me u didn't catch it

20-01-17, 08:51
thank you
iv actually woken worse but not just about the hiv thing im worried about like ten different things i actually want to rip my head off think i got hour sleep i wake constantly checking time worrying about it being morning to top it offf for past six months glands in my neck keep swelling up and really hurting :( it so bad today

20-01-17, 08:54
Try having a viral infection for two months. That refused to go away lol.

Have you seen your doctor about your glands?