View Full Version : Strong anxious feelings

14-04-07, 16:33
Hi all, i really need some tips for making me more relaxed. I had an important job interview yesterday, i was very anxious all day thursday and friday too, but ive found the feeling has continued today, i find it normally does the day after but not this bad. I am also still waiting to hear if ive got the job
and probably wont find out until monday or tuesday. At the same time though i am also worried if i do get it, it will be a massive life style change for me and it terrifies me even thinking about it. ive tried loads of things to try and relax today , ive tried exercising , tried reading, cant even concentrate on the tv.... Any ideas would be much appreciated..... thanks for reading this, sorry if it doesnt make any sense!! X

14-04-07, 20:56
Hi there. I sometimes find that the anxiety takes a while to go if it has been quite high. Also the adrenaline takes a while to wear off and can leave me very exhausted and emotional, which is not good when you've been anxious.

I find that relaxation breathing exercises help, where you breathe out for a slightly longer count than your in-breath. Also reminding myself to drop my shoulders, I usually find they are raised and I haven't noticed. But now checking for tension is part of my routine. Sometimes I play "mindless" games on PC, read a book if I can concentrate, or listen to my MP3.

Hope this helps.

16-04-07, 12:20
Hi, I get that thing where I can't concentrate on anything relaxing because I'm too anxious as well! I find the best thing is to get on the couch with a hot (non-caffinated) drink and put on a comedy film that I've seen lots of times before. No concentration is needed because I already know what's happening, and when I can focus long enough to 'get' the funny bits I start laughing and the laughter makes me start to relax. Don't know if it works for anyone else but I'd recommend trying it!

P.S. If I'm really tense and restless, I sometimes paint my nails at the same time as watching the film at first - that stops the urge to get up and start doing something else.

16-04-07, 21:58
thanks insomniac ur suggestions were spot on especially the pc games, and i will try what magpie has suggested.... thanks for the advice

I'm still feeling pretty anxious and thats been since thursday, im still waiting to hear about the job...... which really doesn't help things. Wish i could just really relax....