View Full Version : 10 weeks on 20 mg Citalopram, second time around

19-01-17, 17:13
Back in 2014 I started suffering from GAD. Eventually I treated it with a mixture of CBT, counselling and 20 mg Citalopram (after trying lots of different drugs). In the summer of 2016 I started to to reduce the dose to 10 mg as I felt in a good place, but to cut a long story short my GAD came back with a vengeance in November last year.

I am now back on 20 mg Citalopram and have been for 10 weeks. Although I feel an improvement I am not back to my usual self. My doctor assures me that as Cit worked last time, it should work this time, although I might need to increase my dose to 30 mg. I also seem to remember it took at least 10 weeks last time for me to start to stabilise.

In short, I am looking for advice from anyone who has experienced a second round on Cit and how it affected them? Also, do people think 3 months is a long time to wait to see a big improvement? I am worried about increasing to 30 mg as the only lasting side effect i have with 20mg is problems reaching orgasm and I do not want this to get worse.....