View Full Version : Beta blockers and anti depressants

19-01-17, 19:16
I need some help.
I've had to stop propanolol because they think it's affecting my breathing badly, which I think it is buttt I've been off them a day and I've had a panic episode
I am now so tired I need to sleep as usual after an attack,
I tried the anti depressants for one day just to start and I have never felt so bad, I cannot take anymore of those! I was totally out of it. I felt dizzy and totally out of it.::
I'm not sure what to do, help???

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

Citalopram is the anti depressant I tried

19-01-17, 19:39
Anit-depressants take a while to truly kick in. (weeks)

I wouldn't associate the feelings you had with taking the AD's.

As it is an issue surrounding medication, I cannot suggest anything.

Any idea what you were panicking about?

19-01-17, 19:46
Thing is I don't have weeks - I couldn't be in a state like that for weeks I'll have no job left lol
I panic about health anxiety sometimes physical sometimes mental I came out of it ok but without the propanolol it's so much harder

19-01-17, 19:48
Will you get through your job with the panic attacks and anxiety?

19-01-17, 19:49

SLA is correct, it does take time for you to notice the anti-depressants working. I began taking mine (Sertraline) almost a month ago. I only started feeling positive effects recently. It can make you feel even more anxious in the beginning while your body is adjusting. That's how those SSRI's work. My doctor gave me something to help during the adjustment period. Maybe you should see your doctor and discuss this with him/her.

Oh, and since you are in the VirtualHugs section: here's your hug :hugs:

19-01-17, 20:04
Will you get through your job with the panic attacks and anxiety?

Honestly . I can't even face work anymore. I can face working just not there. No support, no help and there's so much pressure.
That saddens me but I feel the triggers have a lot to do with the place.

I'm just worried, how can I be normal when these tablets make me like a zombie all day. What did they give you to help you through and what feelings did it help with?!

Thank you for my hug much needed

Catherine S
19-01-17, 22:12
I take beta blockers, I used to take propranolol at 80mg, then at 40mg before being changed to another beta blocker called Bisoprolol. Apparently you can't take them if you have asthma or any other respiratory condition, which I haven't, and have to say that propranolol made me quite a bit breathless all the time I took it. Bisoprolol on the other hand doesn't seem to have this side effect thankfully. I take them to calm my palpitations down which they do really well. I wouldn't be without them.

I'm not sure about taking beta blockers in combination with anti depressants, because I don't know much about them, my other med is levothyroxine for an underactive thyroid which wouldn't cause problems anyway. I'm surprised the doctor didn't suggest a different beta blocker tbh, just to try. Propranolol is the oldest of them, been around a very long time whereas some of the others are fairly new in comparison.


20-01-17, 04:34
Actually you can take a beta blocker with asthma. At least I hope so as I have asthma and take Carvedilol. When a new Dr. realized I was taking BP medication and anxiety medication, they switched it up to include a beta blocker which for me has been great.

20-01-17, 05:10
Actually you can take a beta blocker with asthma. At least I hope so as I have asthma and take Carvedilol. When a new Dr. realized I was taking BP medication and anxiety medication, they switched it up to include a beta blocker which for me has been great.

You can take any of them with asthma as long as the medical benefit outweighs the risk. Usually though this means those that are contraindicated with asthma are avoided. Beta blockers are in more than one class and one of those classes is safe for use with asthma.

This may all change in the future anyway since there has been research indicating asthma wasn't triggered by the class that is seen as the problem. Until then though, that class of them carry a Major interaction warning so they will be avoided unless there is no alternative and the risk is outweighed by the benefit.

Catherine S
20-01-17, 13:23
Pythonian, then it must just be propranolol. There is a warning in the packet information leaflet not to take it if you have asthma. As I said, I took this beta blocker for some time and Im not mistaken about reading that.


21-01-17, 03:25
Never knew that about some forms of beta blockers.

21-01-17, 05:12
Yeah, Propranolol is on the "do not use" interaction list.

I think it's type A and type B beta blockers. There is a list of the safe ones on Wiki. It's the cardioselective that are used with asthma, the non selective being the problem ones. If you have any concerns I would voice them to your doctor because they weigh up the benefits too.

It's interesting also because they are testing using beta blockers as an alternative to asthma meds. I came across a study of that when I was checking this issue out on another thread about them.

21-01-17, 10:17
It's annoying really - I feel as though I could get trough this with the beta blockers alone and work on myself without using the anti depressants- I really do not want to use then! I felt just as good with St. John's wort and the anti depressants make me feel just so so poorly, completely off my face and not myself at all .. I don't think I can do that for weeks on end I will lose my job.. they've already told me they are concerned and want me to think about wether I should stay if I'm feeling so unwell

Catherine S
21-01-17, 13:31
Alex, did you mention St.John's Wort before? I missed that part sorry. Can I ask why you gave up taking it if you were doing so well on it?


21-01-17, 23:20
Alex, did you mention St.John's Wort before? I missed that part sorry. Can I ask why you gave up taking it if you were doing so well on it?


The doctor actually said well we know how citalopram works so it's better you take that .. I was thinking whattt?! Choosing an anti depressant over something herbal.
I guess to then it makes sense to use something they know will work for sure and they can monitor but surely I shouldn't take it if I'm not desperate?!?

Catherine S
21-01-17, 23:56
Alex, your life and how you live it is your choice not the doctors. Your body is yours and only you know what you can tolerate and what you can't. Antidepressants are a big leap from herbals, they are heavy duty mind altering drugs compared to herbals and beta blockers.

I don't know your mental health history, and there may be a good reason for your doctor to prescribe ADS, but ultimately it's your own choice whether you go on with them or choose to take something that you know works for you.


23-01-17, 05:01
Herbals haven't been subject to rigorous clinical testing and sign off by our health authorities. The quality of what is even in them isn't subject to much regulation.

A doctor will go with science and the legal cover provided by MHRA and NHS as well as NICE. He has no idea what is in a herbal.

That's all that is. That being said, I'm very open to them but I'm careful with any research of things I take.

Sadly, antidepressants can be easy to start on or they can be hell for months. It's usually somewhere between.

And if a GP thinks we know truly how some of these meds work, they might want to update the experts across the world on that one. Some of the science had changed over the years and these meds were never designed for anxiety so research seems to be ongoing still.

23-01-17, 08:41
I think think about it like - the anxiety is created by my mind (mostly health anxiety) and I know that I need to stop thinking that way to get rid of the anxiety. I almost don't want the anti depressants because I don't want them to change the way I feel because I NEED to change the way I think to really get rid of the anxiety. So I try and do things when I get chest pain like stay out away from home, I know it's there but I think "your not my heart, your a product of my anxiety so I'm not just going home" everything I've been doing like disappearing from a situation is because I'm scared I'll die .. I can't live lke this!
I need to get a grip on it.. I've had three ecgs
An MRI bloods two times .. two ambulances .. a million doctors appointments, I need to take control before it ruins everything I've built for myself.
I think your right that if the herbals work right now just go for it ..
if things get worse I'll go back to the doctor but for now I wana try to help myself a bit... I think that's a good idea?!? Right