View Full Version : Anyone ever done testing for adrenal fatigue??

19-01-17, 19:38
I'm suffering from horrible ( sleeping problems) , anxiety, and a pinch of depression

After having a 2 month viral infection. I'm trying to attack my symptoms in a more natural way after an overload of antibiotics and junk.

I just started doing acupuncture and seeing a psychologist that specializes in anxiet / insomnia/ and sorts of other disorders

So I'm looking into maybe testing for adrenal fatigue as maybe the cause of my problems

Anyone ever looked into this ???

19-01-17, 19:47
How do you test for it?

Last I read on this they could not confirm it as being an actual condition.

19-01-17, 20:24
How do you test for it?

Last I read on this they could not confirm it as being an actual condition.

A saliva test at different times of the day. They don't do the conventional blood test.

Normally cortisol
Levels are high in the morning and lower at night

Sometimes due to stress they're thrown out of wack and they could be
More active during the night

I made an appointment and will be having an assessment in a week.

The doctor I'm going to is a naturopath and also believes in conventional medicine

19-01-17, 20:32
I struggled to find references to it from credible sources.

What I did find was a quote from The Mayo Clinic's website

It's frustrating to have persistent symptoms your doctor can't readily explain. But accepting a medically unrecognized diagnosis from an unqualified practitioner could be worse. Unproven remedies for so-called adrenal fatigue may leave you feeling sicker, while the real cause — such as depression or fibromyalgia — continues to take its toll.

I am by nature a cynic so would take things said by non qualified doctors with a huge pinch of salt.

19-01-17, 20:37
How do you test for it?

Last I read on this they could not confirm it as being an actual condition.

I agree with you.


I actually have an eye disorder caused by stress----caused by excess cortisol. I have been dealing with this for some time. My eye heals then it is leaking again.. Often I cannot even tell I am stressed when my eye is acting up. I asked my doc if there were any real legit testing to see if I have some adrenal issue--basically asking if I could have adrenal fatigue sort of thing and I was told no. I even asked my retina specialist one time if I could have a tumor making my adrenals shoot off Willy nilly. He was emphatic about it saying I would have X going On for me to have such a tumor. So now I have accepted that 1. My life is often stressful and 2. My eyes may just have become hyper-sensitive to even minor stress

But, Miz, if you think this is something you can hang your hat on and it will be the thing that helps your HA, then by all means, see the naturopath. As Elen. Said, take any results from such tests with a huge grain of salt.

Good luck and be well

19-01-17, 20:44
I agree with you.


I actually have an eye disorder caused by stress----caused by excess cortisol. I have been dealing with this for some time. My eye heals then it is leaking again.. Often I cannot even tell I am stressed when my eye is acting up. I asked my doc if there were any real legit testing to see if I have some adrenal issue--basically asking if I could have adrenal fatigue sort of thing and I was told no. I even asked my retina specialist one time if I could have a tumor making my adrenals shoot of. Willy nilly. He was emphatic about it saying I would have X going On for me to have such a tumor. So now I have accepted that 1. My life is often stressful and 2. My eyes may just have become hyper-sensitive to even minor stress

But, Miz, if you think this is something you can hang your hat on and it will be the thing that helps your HA, then by all means, see the naturopath.

Good luck and be well

I've never seen a naturopath she's state license and does both conventional and natural medicine. Her website says she treats different disorders. So who knows the only thing I've been offer is Paxil and xanax/ trazapadone for my sleeping issues.

I actually had my anxiety under control until I came down with some horrendous viral infection. That left me depressed, anxious, and stressed.

Then the sleeping problems started.

I'm seeing a psychiatrist Have not started the Paxil I do take the xanax here and there for some sleep.

I also started seeing a psychologist for the insomnia/ anxiety.

I tried acupuncture I'm just looking into different venues to see what can help before getting trapped taking anti depressants

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 20:42 ----------

I also heard that a regular doctor will only check your adrenal levels in the morning but not throughout the day especially not at night. So im not sure

19-01-17, 20:48
Many good things you are working on. However from what I have read and what my docs told me when I touched on adrenal fatigue, it has not been Recognized by medical community as a real thing. Just be careful you don't end up going down a very tangled path that gets you nowhere very helpful.

Good luck and be well

19-01-17, 20:52
Many good things you are working on. However from what I have read and what my docs told me when I touched on adrenal fatigue, it has not been Recognized by medical community as a real thing. Just be careful you don't end up going down a very tangled path that gets you nowhere very helpful.

Good luck and be well

Yeah that's what I heard too .

Maybe I'm
Just curious to know if my cortisol levels are higher at night that's why I'm having trouble sleeping.

I normally slept like a log before this could sleep 8-9hrs

Now something is disturbing my sleep so who knows.

So regular
MD didn't dismiss the idea that I might have too much cortisol at night . All he told me was to exercise and get some sun that the viral infection must have left my system prertty out of wack

19-01-17, 23:52
It's not recognised yet, that doesn't mean it won't be. Some doctors believe in it, some don't.

Who knows. But until something is properly disproven by science, it leaves us stuck being careful about investing money in it. The world was flat for a long time :winks:

20-01-17, 03:20
I'm trying to attack my symptoms in a more natural way after an overload of antibiotics and junk.

Have you looked into essential oils? They help me better than medicine. I use "stress away" and "anxiety ease" blends in my diffuser and diffuser necklace and they truly help. You can buy therapeutic grade oils on amazon.

20-01-17, 08:02
Have you looked into essential oils? They help me better than medicine. I use "stress away" and "anxiety ease" blends in my diffuser and diffuser necklace and they truly help. You can buy therapeutic grade oils on amazon.

Oh, I actually haven't . Does it help a lot?

I might have to look into that :) thanks

---------- Post added at 08:02 ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 ----------

It's not recognised yet, that doesn't mean it won't be. Some doctors believe in it, some don't.

Who knows. But until something is properly disproven by science, it leaves us stuck being careful about investing money in it. The world was flat for a long time :winks:

My doctor didn't dismiss it . He gave me suggestions to rid of my viral infection unlike the first doctor who gave me so much antibiotics and after running so many tests it ended up being viral ..

Yeah, it never hurts to try something the neuropathic doctor said a lot of the lab work that she would do would be cover by my insurance except for certain things .

So will see what happens .

I hope I can beat this insomnia I think that's the main symptom that's messing me up. I hate the light sleep /waking up every hour / and dreams . It's like I'm not sleeping . Extremely terrible