View Full Version : Leg twitching, Pain and Muscle fatigue... Really scared :C

19-01-17, 22:21
So I've been really struggling with a lot of leg twitching and pain in both legs for a couple of months and it reminds me of muscle twitching I've had in the past from stress... It's been much worse though this time. Seen the docs, had blood tests, all clear but they want to dope me up on epilepsy meds. Do I really have Epilepsy? I don't feel like I have it or have the muscle/nervous system spasms that these meds tackle. Worried as the side effects of these pills are really bad.

I read up on the MS thread that included discussion about stress induced muscle twitching, pain, cramps and spasms... Luckily for me it's only been muscle twitching, fatigue and pain but it's hard to feel certain when I've never been able to speak to other people who have dealt with this kind of stuff before. I've been through a lot of stress in the last 6 months but that passed about 2 months ago. So my issues started around when all my stress ENDED. Weird.

Been having near constant twitching of my calf muscles in both legs along with sometimes sharp and brief pains... Then days with little twitching but really fatigued/tired leg muscles and days with really painful knees.

Feeling lost and a bit scared to be honest. The doctors don't seem to consider my history of stress and physical issues and are quick to put me on high dosage meds with really bad common side effects. I feel like they might be misdiagnosing me but I don't wan't to sound rude, telling them to reconsider especially with how quickly I get rushed out due to staff pressure for high turnaround on patients.

Any advice on how to deal with this would be really appreciated. Exercise makes it MUCH worse as does stretching the legs and I have no idea what to do :c

I'm really scared it could be something unusual like a brain tumour or permanent muscle/system damage. It's been getting a little better but it might be that I'm just getting used to the twitching and pain? It's destroying my life. I don't go out anymore, I don't see my friends... I just don't want to risk hurting my legs even more because whenever I walk or exercise a lot they are terrible for about a week after twitching/pain wise.

21-01-17, 15:36
I'm having VERY similiar symptoms for months now too. Any update? I had a MRI of my low back. All looks to be good. I have it in both legs as well. All my bloods have come back good too. Some days are better than others. Waiting for a doc appointment with neuro. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I just ran 4 miles.

21-01-17, 16:07
Check out h health anxiety forums. Tons of threads on this exact topic. You're fine. A lot of us have gone through it/are going through it due to anxiety issues.

23-01-17, 12:43
I get exactly this. Twitches and pain in both legs. Mainly
Calves ! Just had enough now. My twitches are constant and I get them in other spots too just not as bad xxx

25-01-17, 02:52
I'm having VERY similiar symptoms for months now too. Any update? I had a MRI of my low back. All looks to be good. I have it in both legs as well. All my bloods have come back good too. Some days are better than others. Waiting for a doc appointment with neuro. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I just ran 4 miles.

Have you also been dealing with a lot of stress recently? As in the last 6-8 months maybe?

Yeah I noticed some days are perfect then other days are terrible. When I was super nervous about going to the docs again it was actually the worst day I've ever had with it. I could barely walk for the rest of the day. On the days where I went to bed alright and wake up super fatigued I think it's from lots of twitching when I'm asleep maybe? Sleeping with my legs straight [even though relaxed] seems to make it worse on my muscles around my knees and my calves when I wake up the next day.

Check out h health anxiety forums. Tons of threads on this exact topic. You're fine. A lot of us have gone through it/are going through it due to anxiety issues.

Got any links that stand out to you as similar? Really I'd love to talk more to people who are dealing with similar things. I really want to see the light at the end of the tunnel, to try and have some hope with all of this.

I get exactly this. Twitches and pain in both legs. Mainly
Calves ! Just had enough now. My twitches are constant and I get them in other spots too just not as bad xxx

Yeah I've been getting a lot of twitching in other areas of my body too with this BUT no pain or fatigue in the other muscles. The pain is focused in the calves. Seems to be that in a cycle of 3-5 days I get lots of twitching, then twitching+pain, then lots of pain and then super fatigued muscles which makes the cycle even worse when it happens again.

Thanks for the replies guys, reading this, the MS post and my intro replies is helping give me some hope through all of this. It means so much to me, thank you!

26-01-17, 16:54
Are your twitches proper strong sometimes? Like overall I get little twitches all in my calves but sometimes I get REALLY strong twitches in places! They're spreading everywhere and getting worse for me :/ and the pain is just horrible
I can't even explain the pain xxx

26-01-17, 21:57
Yeah so I'll have a constant rumbling of twitches in my legs, firing in different places then one or two really big ones, not enough to make my leg jerk and move at the joint but enough that it really surprises me.

The pain is horrible yeah... It's different to normal muscle pain that you get from exercising or overworking the muscles normally. It's a very uncomforting feeling BUT I've realised I can't let this control my life.

I'm starting to go out for walks again, going out for food and meeting friends because regardless of how long this lasts for I can't let it ruin my life. If a lot of leg twitching and pain is what I have to pay for reclaiming my life then so be it. The last 4 days have actually been really good, hardly any muscle twitching but quite a lot of pain and tension still. I think if I class the twitching, pain and tension as separate unlinked parts of the same anxiety induced physical symptoms then things are improving.

I also remember when I've had similar twitches [but no pain and little tension] in the past it could come and go for weeks or months. This has been just over 2 months now on and off. Some days fantastic some days terrible but there is definitely a trend of it improving slowly as an average.

I'm gonna look into going to a spa for a totally relaxing session once a month, might help keep my nervous system under control.

15-02-17, 20:09
That pain is EXACTLT what I get ... like hard to explain...
my boyfriend says don't worry my legs always ache after work..
I'm like 'no it's not that sort of ache, it's not an ache or a shooting pain... it's like a weird horrible deep pain I can't describe'

Exactly that!

How's your twitches?

25-02-17, 15:40
Twitches now are nearly non existent. Still getting some pain and some tension but the detailed "leg diary" I've been keeping has shown a decline in twitching, pain and tension. I can do things now that no longer cause the pain or tension to get worse although I still have bad days.... But even they are better than my good days a month or two ago.

It's generally improving. Some good and bad days but the trend is definitely improving. Realised its important to stay hydrated, dehydration makes it worse. No alcohol for me until this is fully resolved!

27-02-17, 18:54
There's a strong correlation between stress/anxiety/twitching/stiffness/soreness.

I don't have the twitching so much (but I do experience it sometimes) but I have constantly sore back muscles (all over), very weak legs sometimes (mainly hamstrings for some reason) and general fatigue.

As you say, some days are better than others, but the pain is almost constant.

It's what I imagined an unhealthy 80 year old to feel like.

10-05-17, 22:24
Yes, thank you!! Exactly that. I always say at work 'oh my god I'm 24 and I feel like an old person about to choke it' I just don't get how you can be this tired and this much in pain when you're only 24 :/ mad xx

11-05-17, 19:42
This is reassuring to read. I am going through a mini lapse after 5 good years. This time I'm trying to push on with things but it gets to me at times.

22-05-17, 12:13
This helps me. I have been going through a similar situation (minus the twitching), it's just shocking that all this is just anxiety. :doh:

26-05-17, 02:16
I've had this on and off. The rationality is about the muscle tension when you sleep. Apparently when we release stress during sleep, our muscles tighten up and relaxes, pretty much like running a marathon. Well, just bash through it. You'll be fine, trust the docs.

It's hell but heaven wouldn't be sweet if there is no hell :).

27-10-17, 18:02
I know this is old post but did it go for anyone
Or does anyone have same . I am having twitching and muscle pain all over plus weird burning skin

Worried X


10-11-17, 21:25

Been about a year now and the twitches have nearly entirely gone. During stressful periods they peak and I get leg pain/tiredness again and sometimes twitching but I have realised it is stress induced. Massive over production of adrenaline and cortisol from stress pumped through the body on a regular bases can lead to long term nervous system damage. Has taken about a year to mostly recover but I still sometimes have bad days.

Despite the doctors telling me otherwise... It's much better than it used to be and I only ever get it now when I get really stressed. Sounds about right too, nervous system damage can take a year or two to fully recover and even then it can happen again if you get super stressed.

What helps me a lot now is to try and ignore it. The doctors telling me to make a "leg diary" was awful advice as it just made me obsess over it even more. Now I view it as what it is. Sometimes painful but mostly an inconvenience. Much worse stress related problems people deal with than twitching, leg pain or leg fatigue!

Also consider if you get more depressed closer to Christmas, crap weather, low air pressure, grey skies, pre xmas finance worries? I think in part the time of year may have contributed to it all starting to get bad about a year ago.

11-11-17, 08:24
Hey Dan, Thanks so much for the update on this - I've just gone through this thread and what you described originally was exactly what I've been going through too - the twitching in the calves (and elsewhere) has been a nightmare. It's so reassuring to hear that things have improved for you. I'm trying my best to ignore these symptoms now. Stay well and all the best, J.

14-11-17, 14:32
I keep getting an ache in my right leg

15-11-17, 20:51
Thank you so much for this update it's really relaxed me. Really refreshing to hear there a light at the end of the tunnel

04-03-21, 21:15
Another update years on:

I sometimes have a bit of twitching but it's superficial with no pain and doesn't tend to last more than 10-15 minutes, usually after going for a run or any activity that pumps up adrenaline and other stress related chemicals. Although the long term positive destressing effects of exercise certainly outweigh the short term spike.
It's flared up badly recently, last night my right leg [always seemed to be worse in this leg for some reason] was twitching a lot and tried to cramp a few times. I've been really stressed during lockdown and recently had a lot of stress with COVID impacting my business a lot.

The good news: I've learned so much about what helps ME and maybe it can help you guys who suffer with these twitches/cramps/tension too:

- Ibuprofen, fantastic for reducing inflammation in the calves/muscles
- CBD oil - some debate on this but it can help further reduce inflammation
- Omega 3 oils - When converted in the body it also helps reduce inflammation and tightness/soreness
- HEAT BLANKET was a life saver. I always noticed it was worse at night when in bed. Last night I turned on my big heated blanket and the warmth acted as a warm compress!
The heat calmed the twitching a lot and stopped the cramps entirely. Being 6ft 5 maybe part of my problem is lack of blood flow causing issues?
- "Stress less" That awfully basic advice we all hear... If only it was that easy. For me I'm realising I have to take a step back and choose what battles to fight. Do I stress over student loans delaying my payments by 6 months and banking the extra interest charged or do I focus on getting mortgage payments down?
Focusing on the biggest "battles" that have the biggest potential to improve our life when we've dealt with it has helped me a lot especially with Lockdown stress and the troubles with my business.
- Alcohol always made my cramps worse. Possibly due to how alcohol messes with the nervous system and hydration?

I'm shocked how many problems are caused by stress... You name it, chances are stress can/is a contributing factor. Stress causes imbalances in brain chemical production, distribution, nervous system operation and a whole host of physical problems we often don't realise are stress related. There comes a point we have to ask ourselves if we are dedicating enough TIME to reducing our stress. I don't think our brains are well designed to deal with the problems of the modern world!

I hope this helps someone! Thanks for reading :)

05-03-21, 15:37
Hi Danny,

Thank you so much for this! I’ve been one of these twitchers for 2 years and three months now and it’s comforting to see you come back many years later with your tips .

I fully believe it is stress and anxiety as I have recently been taking herbal medication and seen it reduce massively.

It’s crazy what it does to our body!

06-03-21, 04:40
Hi Danny,

Thank you so much for this! I’ve been one of these twitchers for 2 years and three months now and it’s comforting to see you come back many years later with your tips .

I fully believe it is stress and anxiety as I have recently been taking herbal medication and seen it reduce massively.

It’s crazy what it does to our body!

Fellow twitcher here. What type of herbal medication did you take?