View Full Version : Probiotics and Stomach pain...

Catherine S
19-01-17, 22:35
I bought a bumper pack of Actimel probiotic drinks 3 days ago but every time I drink one I get stomach cramps for about half an hour straight after. There's no urge to go to the loo or nausea or anything, just the pains which are quite sharp. The active ingredient is caled L.Casei if that means anything to anybody?

Apparently different products have different biotic strains so I don't know if this means a bit of trial and error to find one that doesn't hurt? I haven't taken any antibiotics for over a year, and not for some years before that. I'd like to give my digestive system a bit of a boost but not sure if I should keep taking the Actimel.

Is anybody familiar with problems with these probiotic drinks?


20-01-17, 20:26
whenever i take pro biotic tablets, the low-ish dose ones from holland and barrett, i get terrible stomach pains after a couple of days.
I've never had the problem with actimel but it must be a similar issue to what you're having!
our systems must be sensitives to certain 'good bacteria' that are in them.

Catherine S
20-01-17, 20:31
That's what I'm now thinking Carrie, although the one I had today didn't cause any pain, so maybe it's just a case of waiting to see if my stomach settles down. I'd like to keep trying them because ive had more digestive problems in the last year than ever before. Acid reflux being one problem.

Thanks for your reply
ISB :) x

Clydesdale Epona
20-01-17, 20:50
I was interested to see this post because i brought myself a pack on Monday to take over the course of the week and i can defo say especially with my IBS the first 2-3 messed with me royally (which wasn't great to have when i had an appointment everyday :roflmao:) so does my detox tea and flaxseeds if i haven't taken them for a while. i'd suggest trying one or two more to see if your stomach settles but if it doesn't it could just not be you and have a reaction on your stomach, i can't go near activia yogurt personally x

Catherine S
20-01-17, 21:05
Hi Aiden, yes I've heard that Activia yoghurt has been causing stomach problems for some people. I usually stick to natural Greek yoghurt with a little honey if I eat any at all...I cook with this too sometimes. Hopefully I can continue with the Actimel, or maybe try another one like Yakult which i believe has a different probiotic in it.

Thank you for your reply
ISB :)x

Clydesdale Epona
20-01-17, 21:11
If Actimel doesn't work out then Yakult is a great thing to try as it's generally easier on your stomach although i will warn you it does a bit yucky :roflmao: x

Catherine S
20-01-17, 21:17
There's always a catch isn't there :D