View Full Version : Panic Attack in the Middle of a College Lecture. But I Got Through It!

20-01-17, 03:29
SO I have had a STRESSFUL week. I started college back up and after not doing so well last semester I was nervous of failing again. Right then of course, I start to have a pain on the right side of my ribs like by my liver. OH GOD LIVER CANCER. Im still worried about this and Im going to the doctor soon, but anyway. I keep calming myself down. "You are healthy, you are ok" but as soon as the pain comes again, BAM Im back to the worries.

All this stress and poking at my poor liver has lead to more pain and worry which i cant tell whats real and whats not anymore.

SO with all that I was sitting in the middle of a 2 hour Philosophy lecture when I get that feeling at the pit of my tummy.Oh god. I NEED TO LEAVE NOW.
But i breathe through it and wow! I got though it!

Im honestly so proud of myself! :)

20-01-17, 03:34
You do NOT have liver cancer. You are 19 years old. Liver cancer in teenagers is unheard of.
But this pain indicates something is wrong, and it's time to go to the doctor and find out what, so they can fix it.
Is there an infirmary at your college? Go get this checked out.
best wishes.

20-01-17, 03:55
I think it might be gas or gallstones maybe? Im seeing an actual doctor next week. Thank You! :)

21-01-17, 16:20
You should check the doctor if you are worried. Also, that's awesome you got through the panic attack. Honestly, it is the most terrible thing I could ever experience and I used to get them a lot as a child which was truly terrifying.