View Full Version : I Think All the Health Anxiety People Need to Print This One Out

20-01-17, 03:44

https://www.google.com/search?q=internet+doctor+of+medicine&espv=2&biw=1439&bih=731&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJof215s_RAhXl7YMKHR0ZAf8Q_AUIBigB#imgr c=aPRdDstvqHtX7M%3A

(Its a small reminder not do diagnose yourself :) )

So I don't know if ya'll know but Im actually in Pre-Med and when I go to Anatomy or Medical Terminology or Physiology and we talk about disease sometime miraculously, the next day ill have symptoms and sometimes (not for a while now but it came back) Ill get serious HA over it. My best friend who also wants to be a doctor has helped me though it and makes me realize how irrational I am sometimes.

She sent me it :roflmao:

20-01-17, 08:47
Thanks for sharing this!

20-01-17, 08:51
I rather not even read about diseases.
Honestly I don't even know what ALS is and I rather not know.

I'm here because I'm suffering according to my psych anxiet/stress induced insomnia.
I tried searching here about my sleep issues and everything pointed to sporadic or familia fatal insomnia . :( I rather not even look to see what that is all about either.