View Full Version : Back on medication

14-04-07, 23:12
Hi all,

I'm back on sertraline, 50mg a day. And I feel great!!!

When my eptopic's disapeared sevaral months ago, after having them every day for over a year. They were replaced with my tension headaches, :mad: which i started expericing two years ago when my son was four months old.

They are soo bad at times that i have to lie down, and i sometimes vomit with them. Not ideal when you have four children under six to look after. Some would say thats why i get them in the first place... :shrug: But i love being a full time mum, so i don't understand why they have returned with such a vengence:shrug:

Do any of you suffer from these horible tenstion heads? as my can go on for day's, and because normal paracetemal dosen't work, Iv'e had to go ,on special pain control meds form them, which knock me out.

Hope they disapear soon? as they can spoll a whole week for me...

15-04-07, 07:34

I suffered with tension headaches 24/7 for 2-3 years, that's what started of my health anxiety. I'm on amatriptiline, which controls the headaches.


15-04-07, 15:29
Hi Snoopy.

I get those too. Its tough to avoid and lying down somewhere dark and quiet is all that really helps.

I have cut right back on caffeine now and only have one cuppa a day, and make sure I drink plenty of water or fruit juice, and herbal tea. This seems to help with the anxiety too. I'm on seroxat with seems to help me stay in control when the anxiety starts, which it still does sometimes. But I am so much more in control. Some days after work I have stress headaches, but our personal financial situation is terrible too, (which I'm trying not to think about because it makes me worse so I won't go there lol), so I guess that's another reason. But they are nowhere near as often as they were in the past.

Don't know if this helps at all? But basically, have hope, they do ease off eventually. It takes a while for our bodies to recover from coping with all that anxiety and adrenaline!

16-04-07, 20:23

Thanks for your replys:)

They started my health anx too. I had one every day for over a year, i thought i had a brain tumer, drove my husband to distraction... Then they were replaced with eptopics, which have now disapeared at last. :yesyes:

I think the meds are working, they seem to be less frequent and severe. Thinking about it i've always suffered with heads but nothing like the ones i get now.

Will they go altogether one day Lisa? what is Amatriptline Reddevil?

20-04-07, 10:00
Hi i've been on sertraline now for 4 weeks and still not working. what side affects do you have. I'm on them cos i panis everynight that i'm dying. Doc put me on armitryptiline which is an antidepressant a couple of months ago, but they didn't work for me. How does sertraline make you feel??

21-04-07, 08:27

Armitryptiline (not sure of spelling) is a drug used for anxiety/pain.
It does come from the antidepressant family but the specialists use it to treat chronic daily headaches and it is also used for pain relief etc.

It took about 3 months to start working.

My doctor said it is a safe drug, not addictive and not dangeous and it is used for anxiety.


23-04-07, 22:58
Hi Sara,
No side affects to report yet:) And my headaches seem to have abated:D
But not really feeling great yet like i did last time i was on it:weep:

But i have only been on them for about five weeks.