View Full Version : No appetite is this anxiety?

20-01-17, 09:00
Can stress and anxiety cayse you to lose your appetite? Had some bad news about a member of family yesterday being very unwell and I've now got no appetite whatsoever feel nauseous and got awful acid and feeling of lump in my throat and like I can't swallow. I'm really panicking about it. Is this normal? Everytime I make myself eat I just feel really nauseous and my tummy hurts.

20-01-17, 09:04
Yes. Definitely. When I'm stressed and anxious my stomach is the first thing to be affected. No need to panic, it's a normal reaction. Drink lots of fluids. When your anxiety eases up your appetite will return.

20-01-17, 09:27
It affects my apetite I eat less

20-01-17, 09:29
Eating less then makes anxiety worse, so make sure you work on that.

20-01-17, 09:30
Thank you for commenting. I've had acid for a while but it seems to have flared up massively. I've got a hoarse voice a lump in throat trounce swallowing and constant acid feeling in throat and tummy. My mouth is alqays sticky too. Is thus caused by anxiety? Someone told me I should go straight to docs as it can be serious?

20-01-17, 09:33
Have you not been to a doctor yet?

Go. Mention all of your issues.

20-01-17, 09:41
I eat less ( small meals). Try eating small meals if not you'll experience stomach issues

---------- Post added at 09:41 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

Might be acid reflux and your making it worse by not eating. See a doc just to make sure you're ok :)

20-01-17, 09:47
Can stress and anxiety cayse you to lose your appetite? Had some bad news about a member of family yesterday being very unwell and I've now got no appetite whatsoever feel nauseous and got awful acid and feeling of lump in my throat and like I can't swallow. I'm really panicking about it. Is this normal? Everytime I make myself eat I just feel really nauseous and my tummy hurts.

Adrenaline and stress firks about with hormone levels and digestion.

I try and eat little and often and really work on addressing those stress levels. You had some bad news which maybe came as a bit of a shock? Have you ever heard the saying 'Felt sick to my stomach'? We had a phone call in the middle of the night last Feb to say that my husband's sister had passed away and I literally felt sick with shock. As your stress levels calm down, the nausea will improve and your appetite will return.

20-01-17, 10:03
Thanks everyone. Yes it was also a call in the middle of the night the other night regarding a very ill family member. I just feel so anxious and scared. I've been to the doctor about other issues. Just feel so tired frail and weak.