View Full Version : positive update

20-01-17, 09:13

I have posted many times on here the past few weeks, 2 weekends ago i had the worst weekend for panic attacks and i was on here a lot with different symptoms.

Since then i went to the docs and she prescribed me citalopram but i have decided to give it one more shot naturally.

i had my appt at the vertigo/dizzy clinic and she said i dont have vertigo, she said my balance is pretty good and there is nothing serious causing my dizzy/walking on a boat sensation.

anyway what i have done is cut out gluten, it could bge placebo or just the fact my diet has been really healthy but it has helped so much with my dizzy feeling, i feel different now, more relaxed and as though i am in control of my body, i am sticking with this for a bit but i havent had any major panic attacks either

the one thing still bothering me is a tightness in the chest and a sensation as though i cant get a good breath, it comes and goes and also the sensation that when i eat that its stuck down the right hand side of my throat, almost as though my food isnt going down right, i do have gerd but been on omeprozole for 2 years and i don t get heartburn with it but is there anything else i should be doing ?

is the chest tightness anxiety ?

20-01-17, 09:18

My brain fog went completely when I cut it out of my diet. And lo and behold, the times I have had it since I feel ROUGH.

i am sticking with this for a bit

More than a bit I hope!

20-01-17, 09:35
i am happy about it

what would you consider if i said i have been having the odd panic attack but they dont last as long, like i dont freak out as much, is that a sign i may be starting to overcome the panic disorder ? or just that i am having smaller ones.

like after i typed this my neck went numb and pins and needles, heart was racing, i wnet to the toilet and kind of danced about now its gone away, before that would have been with me for a while

20-01-17, 09:47
How long ago since you cut it out?

It takes a while for the body to adjust. You still need to work on your mental wellbeing, and manage your thoughts. But doing that with reduced anxiety becomes a lot easier.

20-01-17, 09:52

My brain fog went completely when I cut it out of my diet. And lo and behold, the times I have had it since I feel ROUGH.

More than a bit I hope!

No brain fog for me too since going GF. Also, the burning mouth sensation I had for six months and the majority of my migraines. Tried one sandwich of normal bread in between and within 20 mins felt nauseous, exhausted and I had a migraine. In the main, anxiety has gone from a constant 7 to a constant 3...unless the HA kicks in, then it's a 10.:scared15:

20-01-17, 09:55
its been 5 days, i suffered really bad dizziness, felt like i was on a boat all the time, its gone by about 90%, it may have nothing to do with gluten but i am not stopping

what about the tight chest ? this does scare me sometimes, i know i have had it many times bvefore but taht coupled with feeling of food not going down worries me there is a blockage, or i should just consider its the gerd

20-01-17, 10:04
No brain fog for me too since going GF. Also, the burning mouth sensation I had for six months and the majority of my migraines. Tried one sandwich of normal bread in between and within 20 mins felt nauseous, exhausted and I had a migraine. In the main, anxiety has gone from a constant 7 to a constant 3...unless the HA kicks in, then it's a 10.:scared15:

Thats awesome too!!

My daughter wanted to go to McDonalds back in October, and I went for the least gluten thing on the menu. Chicken Nuggets. (Still coated in flour....)

I was really hungry so I got a 20 piece share box.

Man, did I feel horrible in the evening. Absolutely miserable in fact. Grotty, short-tempered.... just shit to be honest.

It's funny you said 90% insideout. Because that is the figure I always say when people ask.

The next thing to cut out for me is alcohol and caffeine, as I am still stuck in a perpetual cycle of consuming both every day. And I feel like it is causing the remainder of my anxiety issues. Alcohol creates poor sleep. I drink caffeine to feel more awake, and then I need a drink in the evening to wind down, and I don't get to sleep until late.

I have this theory that we are all perpetually living in mental cycles, and its realising what aspects of the cycle to change to improve our overall state of wellbeing.

20-01-17, 10:12

Yes 90% i havent touched caffeine for months, alcohol on the odd occasion, now i need to get in the gym that will help even more.

How are you feeling now in general ?

i have beat anxiety bvefore completley 100% for 6 years so it can be done to anyone out there who thinks they will always have it

20-01-17, 10:14
How are you feeling now in general ?

Best I have felt in years. Just frustrated about my life situation a bit now. Need to keep working on it.

20-01-17, 10:31
yes stay positive you will get your rewards, how long ago did you cut the gluten ?

20-01-17, 10:35