View Full Version : Tired.

20-01-17, 10:01
Why am i constantly tired for 2 months and a left side back ache which started the same time? I am convinced it's my lung but i can't keep having tests.

20-01-17, 10:05
Do you have shortness of breathe? Lung issues usually always will cause this. Anxeity can drain you. Mentally and physically.

20-01-17, 10:08
Why am i constantly tired for 2 months

A question for you, not us.

20-01-17, 10:13
I have had my oxygen levels checked, lungs and heart checked and tapped and all my bloods done.

20-01-17, 10:15
If that all came back find I doubt it's your lungs then.

20-01-17, 10:19
I don't mean x rayed i just mean listened too and tapped about 3 or 4 times.

20-01-17, 10:31
They can tell a lot by listening to you. Lungs and heart

Gary A
20-01-17, 11:00
I don't mean x rayed i just mean listened too and tapped about 3 or 4 times.

What makes you think it's your lung? Why can't it be a muscle? Perhaps you're sleeping in an awkward position or your posture is wrong, and it's causing a bit of an issue with your back muscles.

Why must it be some kind of lung problem, especially given that you've had bloodwork and lung sounding that I assume were all clear? Normal oxygen levels indicate normal lung function. So, what is it that makes you think it's your lungs?

Sore muscles and tiredness are par for the course with anxiety. You're constantly tense, mentally drained and probably not sleeping properly. All that combined makes you feel really miserable.

You need to start realising that you do have an illness which is affecting you physically, but the illness is with your mind. Your thoughts and your bodies reaction to them is giving you physical discomfort, nothing more.

20-01-17, 11:15
Yes bloodwork etc were clear, oxygen levels were 98/99%. I don't know because i feel so shattered, night sweats, feel like i can't breath properly, back/front/shoulder ache and generally feel crap.

Gary A
20-01-17, 11:21
Yes bloodwork etc were clear, oxygen levels were 98/99%. I don't know because i feel so shattered, night sweats, feel like i can't breath properly, back/front/shoulder ache and generally feel crap.

Your pains are most likely muscular, you're tired because you're not sleeping well, you feel like you can't breathe properly because anxiety plays havoc with your breathing patterns. All of that combined will indeed make you feel like crap.

These are all perfectly normal bodily responses to high levels of anxiety, if you ask me. They're uncomfortable symptoms, of course, but that's all they are, uncomfortable. They're not indicative of anything sinister.