View Full Version : Supplements for anxiety and weight gain

20-01-17, 11:41
Hi there,

Can anyone related to this!

I’ve managed wean myself off of Venlafaxine and replaced with a concoction of supplements:

Strong B Complex
B6 with Magnesium
Omega 3
B12 spray under tongue ( I also have injections)

I’ve been on this combo for about a month now. Whilst my anxiety symptoms have diminished, I seem to be putting on weight! I’m the heaviest I’ve been ever. I’ve really been careful as to what I eat but it seems I’m ballooning – double chin and everything! I know I did over eat over Christmas but I’ve really reined it in over the past few weeks but I’ve not lost a pound, in fact I’m putting on weight.

Iv’e done a bit of research and found some reports that high potency Vit B-complex can make you gain weight! I may drop this out of the combo for a while and see if that makes a difference.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


20-01-17, 11:53
Hi, I don't have any experience with the supplements you mention. But what seems to help me is rhodiola rosea, I've been only taking it for about a week, but I seem to be a BIT less anxious at least.

You should look it up :)

20-01-17, 21:07
Vitamin B can cause an increase in appetite, so perhaps that could be it, or you may be eating more because you're feeling a bit better anxiety-wise?