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View Full Version : Looking to talk to others about my health anxiety...

20-01-17, 14:49
Hi, im new to this forum and hoping to chat to others about my anxiety, mainly health. To put my mind to rest ( if possible ) about some of my recent symptoms. Im 27 and always been a worrier, which has increased massivly since becoming a mum to 3 children. I have a new pain/issue every single day and the physical symtoms are effecting me really bad now. I currently havent seen anyone OR taken meds...despite my gp trying to offer them to me. Anyone in a simular boat ? 😊

Clydesdale Epona
20-01-17, 16:36
My sister is a mother with post natal depression and anxiety so I understand the struggles you're possibly going through, I've been getting lots of help in most aspects of my anxieties since late 2015 but I can still relate from when I was in about 2014. health anxiety is also one of my biggest issues x

20-01-17, 16:53
I was unmedicated and untreated for about a year and I can tell you that was the worst year of my life (no exaggeration). I have been medicated since and will be starting CBT as soon as my appointment in early march. dont wait as long as I did, its not worth it.

20-01-17, 17:24
my anxiety has been terrible since the birth of my second child. I worry about their health a lot and about myself too.

I dont like medication and have been refusing to take it for years. Maybe thats part of my problem but so far no one has tried to pus it on me and Im far more interested in the therapy route.

best wishes to you x

20-01-17, 19:49
A part of my anxiety is medication...I happily take painkillers but when it comes to anything else...Im really worried about it. I imagine side effects, weather they are they or not! So as you can imagine, I have read horror stories about anti depressents and they scare the hell out of me! I litrally this week contacted the wellbeing people. Im waiting for my referral to go through.

Ive seen my gp for different things over the years and almost always its put down to anxiety, although I have never had any form of tests etc to rule anything else out.

Really does eat you up and effect every day of my life. Wouldnt say Im depressed, Im happy, Im a good fun mum, Ive never had thoughts of hurting myself etc. But Im just obsessed by my health, Im always looking for a problem and always find one. Every single pain, lump, rash etc. My mind goes into instant overdrive and I obsess over it until Im making the physical symptoms worse...which makes me worse...

20-01-17, 20:09
I am also a Mum (32yo) to two young kids and the last two years have been filled with HA. More issues and pain and problems than I could count and it's still ongoing. Sometimes I feel like my HA consumes me and I'm missing out on so much of my life.
You're not alone.
Tell us your story, I believe that writing it down helps a bit.

20-01-17, 23:15
Due to medical issues when I was younger I'm petrified of seeing doctors and taking medications...not great when everyday I'm battling a new 'step away from death' illness lol! I have to manage anxiety with natural ideas like meditation/camomile etc but notice I said 'manage' and not treat as that is all it does. As big a hypocrite as I sound I'd recommend anyone pluck up the courage to tell their doctor how they feel and get proper CBT/therapy rather than struggling like this.
I'm a Mum too so understand coping with everything when some days all I want to do is curl up somewhere!