View Full Version : New around here

20-01-17, 15:58
Hi guys, I have just joined NMP and thought I should introduce myself. I am 22 years old and suffer badly from GAD, Agoraphobia and Emetophobia. I am actually the most unwell I have ever been and have lots of worries about the coming months and whether or not I will be able to look after myself. Every day seems to be a battle. I am happy to have found this site and hope that I can meet new people and find new ways of coping that work for me.

I am currently doing a course of CBT and I take mirtazapine and on occasion propanalol (although that doesn't seem to work for me).

20-01-17, 16:05
Hiya janebug and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

20-01-17, 16:25
Hi Jane,

Good to see you. How long would you say you've had anxiety issues?

Are you working/looking for work, or at college?

Just to get an idea of your situation. :D

20-01-17, 17:33
I am actually debilitated badly by my anxiety right now and unable to work. I would love to be able to but I just can't see that happening right now. I finished university about 6 months ago and attained my degree but wasn't interested in what I studied which made my mental illness a lot worse. I have been diagnosed with anxiety since 2013 but undiagnosed since about 2009/2010 :(

20-01-17, 18:06
Ok, cool. Anxiety at its worst is very debilitating.

Where would you like to be in a year?

20-01-17, 18:57
Able to travel to see my friends (around the UK) and maybe even in a job - but I feel this is ambitious.

20-01-17, 19:20
Whats wrong with ambition? :)

Clydesdale Epona
20-01-17, 20:45
Ambition is great i achieved half of mine last year, if you have wishes i would suggest to write them down and work up to achieving them as that gave me a good start and idea where to go next, this time in 2015 i never saw myself doing anything. not even leaving the house properly. now i frequent cafes, go to groups, and even work part time. you can get there eventually i know you can :) oh and
welcome to NMP! :flowers: x

20-01-17, 20:51
Wow, thank you for sharing this with me, it gives me hope that I can too. To be honest I am in such a rut right now with my anxiety toppling me over yet again and just today I felt like I will never learn to live with it. Then I came here.

Clydesdale Epona
20-01-17, 21:06
I too was in the same place around late 2014,
i slept at 7 am and woke up at 12 pm(even on Christmas..) i eat junk and microwavable things and then at one point i didn't eat anything, didn't leave the house, didn't function. midway through 2015 while i was thinking about the things i couldn't ever achieve i had a moment of clarity. why couldn't i? i'm not going to use up your time with the details :roflmao: but long story short something clicked and i signed up help, last year was the most fun, rewarding, and achieved years of my life, and i'm already feeling so much better despite only being midway through my journey, i ain't gonna lie that it was also tough but i can assure you that as long as you're ready to make a change and stick at it, it will work :) x

20-01-17, 23:36
Oh this has made me feel so much better, I would love to hear more about this, could I message you?