View Full Version : Brain aneurysm fear... Reassure/help please?

Lucky Tune
20-01-17, 17:40
So it all started with some feelings of breath shortness back in November.
One time, it got too far. I started hyperventilating, and in a few seconds I had a full-blown panic attack.
It was a terrible experience, and not only one. It repeated multiple times, until I was left a broken nervous mess.
Around that time I started runniong around doing all kinds of tests.
Echocardiogram, blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, chest x-ray and more and more - all returned clear.
I had a few issues exposed on brain MRI, but, it seems, they are nothing too serious.
I could as well just calm down and revert to my former self, but... There is still one thing that doesn't let me be at rest.
Right, fear of brain aneurysm.
I can't tell enough how terrified I am of it. I literally lose sleep at times, shivering as I try to drive away thoughts of having this terrible condition.
I know ruptures are rare.
I know I am one of the least likely people to have it. My father, who smokes and drinks like there is no tomorrow, was perfectly healthy, and so am I apparently. Even though he had heart attack (had it coming), he's doing just fine now.
If anything, my family has a history of heart problems, but those appeared only in elderly people.
Finally, 24 year old male with no smoking/drinking/drug abuse history, this much should rule out many risk factors.
Yet, my mind yearned to be reassured that I am CERTAINLY healthy in that regard. That my brain blood vessels are all good.
I didn't have enough money to perform MRA, so neurologist suggested that I do a power Doppler ultrasound of brain blood vessels and neck arteries as a viable alternative.
Both tests returned perfectly clear.
But now I question - what if it wasn't enough? Could something be missed?
I am having an appointment with neurologist tomorrow, but just a simple thought of aneyrusm is enough to tear down my rationality and replace it with a vicious circle of irrational obsessive thoughts.
Is there any way to break out of obsessing over this? And no, I don't have money for MRA yet.

23-03-17, 08:10
Hey there I've been having the same fear for a few months now. If im not mistaken both my grandfather and an uncle of mine had a ruptured aneurysm which puts me at risk. Granted they were heavy smokers and drinkers. Ive used cigarettes and alcohol in th past but not excessive. Im hoping to get an MRI done soon. From what I read it sounds like you have nothing to worry about. You will be fine :)

23-03-17, 10:45
I went through a fear of BA's. I spoke to a Neurologist about it and was told that a BA will only have symptoms when it extremely large and about to go.

You, 100% do not have a Ba and everything you are experiencing is indicative of stress and anxiety.

23-03-17, 20:42
I've had this fear on and off for years, I understand how horrible it is. They are rare anyway, but even more rare in someone your age and situation, just hold onto that.

I'm sorry I don't have more wisdom :hugs: