View Full Version : Description of personal chest anxiety pains

20-01-17, 18:35
Hi everyone after messaging today that I felt helpless went to a&e had another ECG normal again (12th in 10 days ) spoke to a lovely doctor at hospital spoke to me about my anxiety for about a hour she listen to my concerns she listened without judgment told there was nothing wrong with my heart and all the pains and zaps are just anxiety where I'm getting worked up and that had nothing to do with my heart so after 12 ecgs ,7 different doctors examing me and 2 blood tests I guess they must be right and these aches and tingling is just anxiety guess I should stop worrying about my heart ?

20-01-17, 18:44
Hi everyone after messaging today that I felt helpless went to a&e had another ECG normal again (12th in 10 days ) spoke to a lovely doctor at hospital spoke to me about my anxiety for about a hour she listen to my concerns she listened without judgment told there was nothing wrong with my heart and all the pains and zaps are just anxiety where I'm getting worked up and that had nothing to do with my heart so after 12 ecgs ,7 different doctors examing me and 2 blood tests I guess they must be right and these aches and tingling is just anxiety guess I should stop worrying about my heart ?

Are you seriously asking that question again? 12 ECGs in 10 days, blood tests etc. ALL NORMAL. You answer it ;)

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 18:56
Are you seriously asking that question again? 12 ECGs in 10 days, blood tests etc. ALL NORMAL. You answer it ;)

Positive thoughts

I agree you need to really get help for your anxeity if you are still worried about your heart after that many ecg's. I know what it is like I questioned mine for months after I went to ER and I only had 2 ekg's ran. I finally broke down went to a dr to talk with them about my ER EKG and it helped a lot. But of course my health anxeity moved on to something else. It's funny how that works lol.

You really need to move on from your heart worried after that many. If they had any doubts they would have had you follow up with a cardiologists. My story of my ER for chest pains ended with no referrals or anything like that just sent home with paper work saying I had GAD. Which has sucked lol.

20-01-17, 20:03
Can people describe there anxiety chest pains they get so I can see mine is just anxiety

20-01-17, 20:09
I've had shooting pains I've had like a gripping sesnsation antibgly sensation I get a heavy chest sometimes also x

20-01-17, 20:13
I will combine this thread with your previous ones.

You have had expert medical advice so now it is up to you to believe it

20-01-17, 20:20
Does anyone get warm aching muscles in chest

20-01-17, 20:27
"guess I should stop worrying about my heart ?"

"12 ECGs in 10 days, blood tests etc. ALL NORMAL. "

Should you stop worrying about your heart? Please answer that question. Yes or No

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 20:40
Just asking for caring reassurance don't want to annoy anyone with my posts

20-01-17, 21:04
Just asking for caring reassurance don't want to annoy anyone with my posts

Chest pain is a common anxiety symptom. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Heart_palpitations_chest_pain_irregular_b eats_flutters_skipped_beats)

You're not annoying anyone and I know exactly what you're doing, but why not start with some "self- reassurance"? :)

It's a simple Yes or No answer....

Based on all the tests and medical professionals opinions, should you stop worrying about your heart? Please answer that question.

And in conjunction with that...

What can anyone on an internet forum say that's more valid than what 12 ECGs, 7 doctors and 2 blood tests say?

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 21:47
Well lets see;

1. Sharp pains in one concentrated area, even in the center of the chest, which on a few occasions went all the way down to my left groin area. In just about each event, sometimes I could press on it making it worse.

2. Tightness across the chest area with a little bit of hard breathing.

3. Dull aches with pressure in chest areas, just under the left or right ribs and mid center of chest.

4. Burning sensations across the lower part of chest, but narrowing going up the center of the chest to where my heart is located.

5. Soreness on each side of the ribs, with dull pain just under my right shoulder blade.

Root causes for all of these have been because of anxiety, panic disorder, surge of adrenaline, GERD, IBS, common heartburn, indigestion or bloating, gas, muscle skeleton inflammation or Costochondritis and just plain old occasional arthritis; because I'm getting frigin' old. :doh:

And in each instance, it was never a heart attack or heart related. Because if it had been, I would've of really, really, really, known, besides all the tests I had that said "no way Jose!". Because you see, if it was a real heart issue, you wouldn't be thinking; "What if?, What if?, What if?" while still up walking around anxiously. No, see, you would be thinking; "Damn this hurts really bad, like a elephant is sitting on my upper chest! Must - call - 911!".

Because people with real heart issues, don't care about the "What if's" of not knowing one way or the other for sure, that floats around in their minds, caused by anxiety or panic...no with, real heart issues, you just know for damn sure. So you can easily mistake it with anxiety and panic, but there is no mistaken it with a real heart attack. You just instantly know.

20-01-17, 21:48
Wow that sounds enough proof I would say! X

20-01-17, 22:37
I actually think chest pains is pretty common thing even to people without anxeity. Stress and anxeity can cause chest pains. Gerd can cause chest pain. Sore or pulled muscles can cause chest pain. With all of those I'd say most like everyone has experienced some chest pain. I know I have. I still get some from time to time.

20-01-17, 23:32
Wow that sounds enough proof I would say! X

What, you mean proof for a heart attack? :D No it was all the other things I mentioned that caused or mimic all that, making me think it was a heart attack.

My dad had two heart related issues cause by blocked arteries. He had to have a stint put in each time at age 65 and later on at age 69. What he told me about his experience with real heart problems, was different from the many experiences that we get from anxiety\panic disorder, GERD, IBS, muscleskeletal pain and so on.

To paraphrase what he said, it's like someone hit you square in the chest with a sledge hammer that radiates through all of your upper body. It's debilitating and you don't run around anxious about it because it won't let you. It slows you down to being lethargic and weak and you know it's the heart with the heavy chest pressure; like an elephant sitting on your chest. Especially when you can't even do simple tasks like walk or get up from a siting position. You just know.

Lol. So since he told me all that, I've often thought of it this way - if you feel like you could actually run to the hospital, with all that adrenaline pumping through you, then it's not a heart attack. Can't run very long with heart issues or a heart attack. :D And that's when people often know when they are having real heart issues, while doing anything strenuous with physical activity.