View Full Version : Annual Physical Now what

20-01-17, 21:30
had my annual today and green lit the whole thing then when I get home Im laying down and press down on my abdomen like the Dr does (no clue why) and I got a pain :scared15:. Now....could be because I have no $%^&* idea what I am doing and in doing so I jumped straight up and havent been able to reproduce it since...but now Im wondering if I should call and tell her yeah I did feel something. I really should know better but this incident is exceeding the limits of my medication.

20-01-17, 21:37
Nah... you're first inkling is the correct inkling as in you don't know what you're doing ;) Celebrate! You're good to go!

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 21:39
I really gotta stop watching House MD....thanks for the input fish.

20-01-17, 21:41
Something would have been felt during the exam, you know that. If she didn't feel anything and you happened to come across something, she probably noted it and didn't see anything or feel anything actually wrong.

You're fine dawg.

20-01-17, 21:46
She would have been feeling for abnormalities, not pain.
I could get pain pushing down on my stomach too.. everyone could if they didn't know what they were doing

20-01-17, 22:04
She actually asked if it hurt.

** Im not arguing with everything your saying, I still know your right, but she did ask ***

20-01-17, 22:59
So it didn't hurt when she did it but now it does when you do it?
Where abouts on your stomach. What are you fearful of?

21-01-17, 00:28
lower right quadrant, but I dont have any thing specific and lord knows I aint googling.

Im sure I will be fine...

21-01-17, 03:32
Remember the old saying about putting your finger in things... STOP when you meet resistance LOL

21-01-17, 06:36
If you truly had pain then I doubt that you would need to press down to make it happen. I remember turning up at Emergency once complaining of stomach pain. When the doctor pressed on my stomach here and there and asking me if it hurt I was saying no but thinking "did it?" lol. Then I went on to have ultrasounds, CT scans and a colonoscopy. Don't do that. :doh: