View Full Version : Goodbye And Thankyou

15-04-07, 00:43
I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone for my time here I have loved every minute of it, but I think it is time for me to leave, the past few months have gone from bad to worse for me in my personal life and I have had mails that have hurt me from a certain NMP member and have also not supported another member who I thought i was, so I guess I was not doing a very good job as an admin and have decided to leave.
Thankyou to everyone who made me feel part of a big community i will miss you all and if anyone would like to stay in touch my e-mail address is tatkinson@hotmail.co.uk
I wish you all the very best and hope you all find the light at the end of your tunnel, it is time for me to go and find mine
Take care

Trac xxx

15-04-07, 00:58
I can understand to a certian degree, but not abosolutly?

15-04-07, 01:04
I don't know the full reason as to why you are leaving Trac but I just want to say that you will be missed greatly :weep:

You were one of the first people I spoke to on here and you were so lovely to me and welcoming and so great at giving advice :)
I am sorry to see you go and I hope that you will come back to let us all know how you are.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I really hope everything is ok with you and I wish you all the very best
Take care hun
Laura xxxx:flowers:

Pink Princess
15-04-07, 01:11

can i just say to everyone who reads this that trac is the best person i have ever met in my whole life! she is the only person who has ever accepted me for who i am and she is brilliant at giving me support. so to those who said she wasnt a good mod, look how many posts she will get to say differently and to say how sadly she will be missed.

trac, you know you are a good mod and you are an amzing person. i know that you deserve so much more than this. you dont need this trac you can get better without this and you will. i promise you that. xxxxxxxx

love you lots mum and never forget that to the world you are one person but to one person you are the whole world. so wothout you they would just go crashing down.

love ya always xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


15-04-07, 02:41
Trac where ye think yer going eh? you a massive asset to this site and you aint going nowhere okies my god wummin whos gonna make me sensible eh who posts on hugs when we all need them who gives us support when we need it....you do so your staying put ok quit thinking your going anywhere cos your not lol :hugs: we all need you to find that light at the end of the tunnel so you aint going nowhere me lovie xxxxxx :hugs:

15-04-07, 09:31
woooooow slow down lady. Where did all this come from?

I am not up to speed on the facts, but you can't let one person drive you out.

You do a sterling job lady :) and I urge you to reconsider :)

Anyway, if you go, who's going to pick on me? ;)


15-04-07, 11:00
Oh Trac, I'm sorry you have been forced into this decision. It can't have been an easy for you but understand how all sorts of factors can grind you down to the point you want to escape.

You have been such a support to hundreds of people here, so maybe it's now time to look after yourself which you deserve.

:hugs: Warmest Hugs :hugs:

15-04-07, 11:35
Trac, I am so surprised at your decision. Are you absolutely sure about it ?
You have been here so long, so why should you be driven out ?
I know its really hard to do, but you could just blank those who upset you.
Recently things got on top of me and I decided to leave in a hurry (couldnt wait to get away) but then realised that I wanted to be in control of what I really want, so therefore I visit NMP as and when I want to.
Please just leave the door ajar a little ?

15-04-07, 12:59
hi Trac,

I dont know whats been happening but just wanted to add my own good wishes. You have been here such a long time and have shown such kindness and support to many, you do a great job!

Hopefully you might reconsider, but you need to do what is right for you at this time...just remember you have many friends here. and you would be sorely missed :weep: .

luv Coni X:hugs: :hugs:

15-04-07, 13:13
awww trac your a brill mod and a great supportive person..you really help loads of people on here and are so friendly and accepting :)

im not gonna try telling you to reconsider coz you got to do whats best for you..but you will really be missed and i hope you can keep in touch with some people.

good luck with everything :hugs:


15-04-07, 13:18
Hey! i don't really know you, think I've maybe said 'hello' in chat, but it seems you are well thought of hunny.
I don't know about the individual circumstances, but for one person to drive you away when so many people want you here, doesn't seem right:wacko:
you obviously have to do what is right for you, but 'goodbye' is awfully permanent, why not 'taking a break. see you in a bit?' or 'see you soon' /
A previous poster said, why not leave the door ajar.
Sounds a good idea to me. Shut the door on what is upsetting you just now, and come back if you ever feel refreshed and able to deal with it?
if I am talking pants, I apologize, I do it a lot!
take care of yourself, whatever you do.

15-04-07, 14:55
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Big Hugs Trac

Hope we will stay in touch :yesyes:

Gonna text u now

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

15-04-07, 15:13
Trac, I don't think we have ever spoken properly, however, you were one of the first people to welcome me here on NMP, and I've noticed lots of your posts to people, they are very supportive. I don't know any of the situation you are talking about, but I hope you reconsider as you are too valued a person to leave because of whatever it is :hugs:

It is your decision to make, but just make sure you think about it properly, and don't make too quick a decision. We are all here for you mate :hugs:

You are thought of very highly here, so think about what your leaving behind :hugs:

Lou xxx :hugs:

15-04-07, 17:06
Hi Trace

I too hope you will reconsider, missing you already:weep: :weep: :weep: !

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:



15-04-07, 17:41
Hi Trac

I think this is a really positive post and you have obviously took some time to come to this decision.

You will have the inner stength to continue without the site but if you are like me then pop back on now and again to find out how everyone is getting on.

I wish you well and know in your heart that you have helped many people - me included.

Take care of yourself and start putting YOU first

Luv and Hugs From Darkangel xxx

15-04-07, 17:51

I've mowed the lawn. :winks:

I am very aware that at the moment you are still coming to terms with losing your Nan and also trying to deal with some other personal issues that are bothering you, so I honestly don't think this is the time to be making big decisions.

Like Mirry says please do keep the door ajar - you have very good friends here, most of whom will keep in touch anyway but the forum as a whole would indeed miss you very much.

I will be thinking about you on Monday and you could have your own little service in the garden quietly and plant a little tree. Your Nan's love will live on in all your lovely memories and be ever supporting.:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

15-04-07, 18:20
[quote=trac67;209599]I think it is time for me to leave, the past few months have gone from bad to worse for me in my personal life and I have had mails that have hurt me from a certain NMP member and have also not supported another member who I thought i was, so I guess I was not doing a very good job as an admin and have decided to leave.

Dearest Trac, I dont know you at all, but it would be ashame to see you leave. Sometimes when others feel they have not been supported, its easy to blame the person who is given the support. I am sure that you did what you could for this person, all too often, people can become dependent on certain people for help and it doesnt always work out the way they expect.
Feeling as if you have let others down is not totally your responsibility, but I can understand your feelings of wanting to help.

There will always be people that we cannot support, but it doesnt mean your indequate or incapable, or your not good as an admin, you clearly are good at what you do!!!!

I dont know if you will decide to stay or leave Trac, but what ever you do decide, I wish you well and thanks for dedicating soooo much of your time here on NMP, I dont have to know you, to see how committed you have been here, the posts and length of time speaks for itself.

Best regards. Sky:flowers:

15-04-07, 22:20
If you leaving is what you feel is the best for you , then I am all for it. That being said youhave helped me greatly. You don't even know it though. We have never talked one on one, but your threads and replies to other posts have had nothing but good and positive impacts on me. Think about it...you are not superwoman! Two people that you cannot help...you can't save the world, and you can't save everyone. But there are about 5000 registered users who visit from time to time...not to mention guests...think about how far reaching you impact is. Please don't let just 2 people drive you away from something you are good at...being an admin and being a member! Block those emails...block those messages...you cannot be personally responsible for anyone but yourself....just remember that. I hope you reconsider, but as I started out...please do what is best for you. Lots of hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15-04-07, 22:47

Maybe it is time to leave for a while and sort out your life and then come back all refreshed and with great success stories.

You will be missed but you have to think of you and your health and recovery first and foremost.

Take care.

16-04-07, 02:13

Sorry to hear this. I hope you feel better about things soon and take all the time you need to sort stuff out. You'll definitely be missed but hopefully we'll see you back here sometime. Rest assured you have helped a lot of folks out there.

Eeb x

16-04-07, 03:33
You were the first overseas friend I met when I first came here:hugs::flowers:

I don't know exactly why you are leaving but I wish you wouldn't!!!:weep:

You are a true friend and I would miss you so much!!!!

Please reconsider:sad:

But whatever you decide - we are friends regardless and I want you to know that if you need me or just feel like gabbing - email me - PM me - IM me (geez didn't realize how techy I am getting -LOL) .....just stay in touch - ok??!!

Luv ya Trac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

16-04-07, 12:19
You will be missed so much hun you are a Great person.:yesyes: Keep in touch still hun.

Love & Wishes,:flowers:

Take Care,

Big Hugs :hugs: Pip's. X X

16-04-07, 12:36
and who said you could leave. i dont believe that your doing this. you better than this trac hun and stronger.

your da best admin, and a great friend. if you go we all go.

16-04-07, 12:42
Hi Trac, we haven't spoken before but please don't leave because of one or two people that have let you down.
I see you have many friends that will miss you.

Dave:flowers: x

16-04-07, 12:55
Oh my dear lovely Trac:hugs: whathas happened love?:shrug: Whohas hurtyou this way,it is so :lac: wrong.You are going thru so much at the moment hun,with your beloved Nan's passing ,you will feel vunerable hun.Ah bless your heart girl,you are an asset to this site,so do think before you leave us.Maybe just come on as a member and get the support YOU need hun.You are a wonderful moderator,but it is a responsible role that maybe you could put aside for a while hun ..a sabbatical if you like:) .Always here if you want to talk,as you have been for me and others.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

16-04-07, 14:03
Trac why you leaving lovey???

i havent been on this site long just a few weeks and when i did join you whre the first person to say hi and tell me ou whee ther is i need to chat, i dont know how man administrators there are on here but only two have spoken to me, so you are the first person i spoke to.
we all need to stick together and fight our problems together.
you will be missed , i was just getting to know you too

16-04-07, 14:25
Woah you all made me cry :weep: thankyou all so so much, after reading all your replies it has made me realise I really would miss this place and everyone on it :blush:

When I am having a bad time I think I try to push everything away and I shouldnt do that, this year for me has just been a total nightmare and when I thought I was doing so well and finally finding my life again it all comes crashing down around me again and I guess sometimes you end up getting tired of keep picking up the pieces, but we have to in order to carry on fighting :yesyes:

Anyways I will stop whittering and say I have decided just to take a few days away and re charge the batteries, mine as well as my laptops and return fighting again and determined to beat this crap once and for all.

Thankyou again everyone you made me see that I need to be here both to give and receive the support that NMP is so full of:hugs:

Lots of love

Trac xxxx (who is now off to eat her words on her starting thread lol )

16-04-07, 14:28
Welcome back hun :~)

Keep dancing in the rain:)

16-04-07, 14:41
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Think that says it all !
Great news Trace, so pleased you have decided to stay!:yesyes:

:hugs: :hugs:

16-04-07, 14:42

Piglet :flowers:

16-04-07, 15:14
You know it makes sense ;)

16-04-07, 15:24
yey! glad your staying trac! im pleased :yesyes: :bighug1:

i think everyone needs a break every now and then so dont worry hun xxxx :hugs:

Pink Princess
16-04-07, 15:28

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you


thank you mum now i dont have to miss you quite so much :D

love ya millions xxxx

Love Pink Princess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


16-04-07, 18:06
:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes: xxxxx

16-04-07, 18:18

Just caught up with this thread, and i was in shock when i started to read it until i got to the page where you had reconsidered your position.

I am so so pleased that you have decided to stay you would be missed too much and dont forget it.

take care and keep your chin up

take care


16-04-07, 18:43
:hugs: Ahhhhhhhh that is great news Trac!!! I cant forget your article on self esteem Trac, I read it again yesterday!!! so happy your staying!!! and I wish you well with the personal issues your dealing with. :hugs: Sky

16-04-07, 20:02
Good one Trac:yesyes: so glad you are staying.

Luv Barb xxxxxxxxxx

17-04-07, 13:44
Just found this thread and am so happy you've decided to stay! :yesyes: You are a lovely person and a brilliant administrator! We all feel we've had enough from time to time but once you are rested we are going to cuddle you silly! :D

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm sorry you've had a lot to deal with recently but time and love will help heal the wounds and you'll get lots of that from all of us. Looking forward to chatting soon.

Take care,

17-04-07, 20:16
Good on ya kiddo!


19-04-07, 11:47

WATCH OUT ALL http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/adminwatch.gif:yesyes: :yesyes:



19-04-07, 13:41
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :emot-partyblower: :emot-partyblower: :emot-partyblower: :emot-woot: :emot-woot: SO GLAD YOU ARE STAYING HUN:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-04-07, 22:25
Trac, all I can say is that you made me feel so welcome and offered me you msn to chat if I needed it, you were warm and friendly, I couldnt have asked for more. Hope you find what you are looking for. Take Care Love Pinky

Ha Just got to read the last post and you are staying after all! Wonderful (you are too)!!!!!

20-04-07, 03:35
Hi Trac,
Please dont leave,I know you and I had a misunderstanding last year but settled it, I was in chat tonight when you were there, at first I didnt know what was going on, then I hung around and listened, sure its great to have a laugh and joke but people latley are abusing this chat for there reasons and its not anything to do with nmp, I noticed people are becoming very abusive with there mouths as I seen to you tonight, then you were gone, I only could imagine how hard it is to run a site and have to baby sit it, Nic and Alex have done so much work and all of you adminisrators, to be honest i miss all my friends who dont go onto chat anymore and there was many but they think its childish behavoir also ,a few do still, we would help each other but also have some good laughs that is all gone now:shrug: I drop in once inawile and its not what we need not that way anyways, you have helped alot of people on this site and alot respect you dont forget that, people just need to realize this site is for help but of course some laughs too,but help comes first and formost, I hope ya dont leave if so thank you for every thing i really cant blame ya i wouldnt want what you guys have to do listen to all the whining, I would have to smack them:buttkick: just kidding not really tho......just take awile away but please dont leave............tc Linda:flowers:

20-04-07, 03:38
oops my bad!!!!!!!!! didnt see all the other replies and that you are gonna stay im glad just hang in there ya have alot of people who care including me take care talk soon..........Linda

21-04-07, 04:44
Thankyou everyone xxx
Being away for a week has made me really see how I miss this place and everyone on it :weep:
Think from now on I will just take a break every so often so I dont keep losing myself, i guess we all need to do that from time to time.
I really appreciate all your support and kind words:hugs:

Lots of love

Trac xxx

21-04-07, 06:01

I just read your post, and am glad that you have decided to stay. This place becomes a part of you. No matter how long we TRY to stay away it keeps calling us back. Wise choice hun, the site needs you.

21-04-07, 17:53
Hi Trac,

I too am glad you decided to stay. A wee break is all you needed.

:hugs: ,

Laura :flowers: