View Full Version : New to all of this

21-01-17, 00:37

I am new to this - to having panic attacks, to writing in forums, to asking for help...

I have been having panic attacks on and off for a year now. I've had anxiety my whole life, but I've been able to deal with it. But this is new, and I feel like I can't do anything about it.

Now I'm on the verge of another one. It's horrible. I think I'm going crazy.

I don't know what to do. I just want it to stop. I can't sit still. Can't sleep. Can't do anything other than try to stop it. There is no danger around me. I am comfy in my bed watching Netflix with my bff by my side. Why is this happening, then? Why is my mind racing out of control? Why can't I stop it?

21-01-17, 00:43
Hiya newtopanic and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

22-01-17, 15:55
Hi NewtoPanic,

You are NOT going crazy.
Anxiety (& depression) are liars. They like to try to fool you.

Sometimes when I am having a panic attack I like to write on my hand and tell myself, "Your body is trying to protect you. It is misguided, responding to a bear that's not there. Thank it for its effort, but remind it you are safe." It helps to ground me in the reality of the moment. That I am NOT dying. That it WILL end. Sometimes you can't stop it, but by acknowledging what it is, you take away some of its power.

The attacks that appear seemingly out of nowhere are the worst for me too. I absolutely understand that horrible feeling of sitting on the couch in a state of calm with someone you feel safe with and the panic still rises.

I find distraction helpful- something that requires focus. A crossword, a movie that has a complicated plot.
I do breathing exercises that take 5 minutes and can at least knock me down from a level 9 to maybe a level 7 or 6.
Listen to a guided meditation.
Find a mantra that works for you that speaks to a core fear you have and repeat it in your head or write it down somewhere you can carry with you. ie "I am safe." or "This sensation is temporary" or "I am still myself" etc

There is a whole sub-forum about panic attacks with some great tips from others. That has been really helpful to me

You aren't alone here. Congratulations on reaching out. It's important.
