View Full Version : New freckle or changed?

21-01-17, 09:53
Morning all just looking for a bit of advice before I get myself in to panic mode !

Not sure weather on my breast I have a new freckle,or if it's always been there and just got darker!

I'm certain it has always been there and gotten darker,now I have just started gym could my sports bra have rubbed it? Also I woken in the night on Friday with a sweat but I'm putting that down to all the excercise I have been doing?

I have lots of things going through my mind trying to keep positive thoughts.This freackl is small and and a circle.

Thanks guys xx

21-01-17, 14:34

Catherine S
21-01-17, 15:36
Hi Emily, without seeing it I don't think anybody here can tell you much tbh. You know your body better than anyone, so if you think something has changed its probably best to get it checked out just to settle your mind.


21-01-17, 17:11
without at least seeing it, its impossible to tell anything....but based on location I dont recommend posting pics :blush:

21-01-17, 17:28
Even with seeing it, no one can tell anyway. If we're talking about a "freckle" everyone gets a new one now and again :)

Positive thoughts

22-01-17, 11:20
Thank you all for your replies.This freckle is actually so small just looks a little darker than normal,I will call my go to get it checked tomorrow to be on the safe side.I appriciate what you have all said to me,this is it with health anxiety my mind starts with the irrational thoughts and I seek out for reassurance.Sorry if I sound really over board,I use this webisite as it has really helped me in the past.

Thanks again all xx

Catherine S
22-01-17, 13:22
No you don't sound like you're going overboard at all, you're just anxious. However, its difficult for us to tell you its nothing before your doctor does :)

Let us know the outcome

22-01-17, 15:09
Are you sure its really gone darker? How are you looking at it? indoor lighting will make moles/freckles look alot darker, try having a look in natural light (ie outside or near a window during the day).
Its normal for moles to change slightly over time, they can get darker, lighter, slightly bigger, or shrink and disappear entirely.
Of course google never tells you this unless you really dig for it, rather it gives you 10 pages of giving you a death sentence.

23-01-17, 06:39
Are you sure its really gone darker? How are you looking at it? indoor lighting will make moles/freckles look alot darker, try having a look in natural light (ie outside or near a window during the day).
Its normal for moles to change slightly over time, they can get darker, lighter, slightly bigger, or shrink and disappear entirely.
Of course google never tells you this unless you really dig for it, rather it gives you 10 pages of giving you a death sentence.

I will try looking at it through natural light.My mind is so fixated on the one because I woke one morning and it had red around it,however I did wake up in a sweat that night so I'm thinks my now has i have itched it? I did get spots on my chest and I do have dry skin.

Also I go on another forum called Netmums and somebody posted on there a picture of a mile on there back with redness around it,obviously I read it and it's started my health anxiety off,just a bit of a quincidence how I have read something and the following morning I wake up with it.

Redness has gone from it now didn't last long I'm now just left wit this dark pen head sized freckle xx

23-01-17, 13:33
Waiting on my go callin me back now,he will have me in at tea time I know .I am starting to feel I am wasting he's times as it's so small

---------- Post added at 13:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

Going to see my go at 2:10pm I feel so silly now as it's so small,hate to think I'm wasting he's time but at the same time I really need him to check it and just tell me it's fine

23-01-17, 14:43
It'll be fine I'm 100% sure. Got my "Told ya so" ready :)

Positive thoughts

23-01-17, 14:55
Been to see my Gp and he said he thinks it's just a scab,he would like to see me in 2 weeks time he said "shall we do that" I said "yes if that's what you think"

Got home and I am now starting to panic I don't think I can wait another 2 weeks what must he think?

23-01-17, 15:11
So here's your "Told ya so!" :D

As far as the followup? It's called being a good doctor. ;) If he thought is was really suspicious, he wouldn't wait two weeks and I believe he did that for your own reassurance tbh. My wife had a suspicious mole (not a tiny freckle). The GP immediately referred her to a dermatologist. The dermatologist didn't see anything wrong but removed it anyway. And.... It tested normal.

Positive thoughts

23-01-17, 15:16
Can you see you are literally "panicking over nothing" now?

Do you want to panic?

Beating mental illness starts with realising the nature of your problem, and becoming highly self-aware to see how you are creating those problems for yourself.

If you can do that, you are awesome, and will soon beat it.

23-01-17, 15:34
Thank you for replying to me it really does help,I'm trying to stay as positive as I can but right to the back of mind I get these WHAT IF'S!

He did say something but I didn't quite catch the end bit it sounded like "I don't think it's a prop or Prob"?

He knows I worry yes but my mind is saying right now when I go back in 2 weeks he is going to refer to a dermotolgist and than I willl get it removed and than get my bad news,I know I sound really mad just cantor help myself

I guess I I prepare my for the worst as that's all I have from being a child.I lost my Mum when I was 13 to breast cancer.

I worry a lot more since having my own children the thought of leaving them with out a Mum terrifies me as it would anybody that's all I'm worrying about

23-01-17, 22:27
Going to try and get some sleep,hate this

Gary A
23-01-17, 22:36
Going to try and get some sleep,hate this

Yes, sleep. Give your head a rest.

Remember that the golden rule of moles and freckles is that generally anything under 6mm in diameter is of little to no interest to a doctor. A "freckle" is unlikely in the extreme to be any form of skin cancer.

I also agree that your doctor was arranging a follow up just to prove to you that it hasn't changed in two weeks. If he was in any doubt whatsoever, you'd have been referred on the spot.

Get some rest and stop worrying about this.

24-01-17, 11:01
Thank you I keep trying to tell myself this.
I just always fear the worse sort of prepare myself for it.

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 07:14 ----------

Is it normal for a freckle to just scab over?

---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ----------

Sorry to go on all!

25-01-17, 18:08
Hi all I did start a new thread the other,I don't think wools can see I am commenting on it so this is just a quick question.

Is it normal to get a scab on a freckle?

I got a darker small freckle on my chest that I went and got checked out the the other day.My Dr said he thinks it's a scab but would like to see me again in 2 weeks time to check it again.

I did say to him I wasn't sure if this freckle was new it has just changed!

Sorry to go on but I've got nobody else to ask,feeling a lot more positive just need to know if this is normal or not

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

Anyone :(

25-01-17, 18:18
I had this last year and tortured myself about it for months especially when it bleed. Convinced myself it was cancer and spoiled months of my life. Went to see the doctor and he said "Ooooh no need to worry it's a something something do da" (sorry can't remember the name "completely benign...."

Now I can't tell you that is what yours is because i) I haven't seen it and ii) I'm not a doctor.

What I can see you is go and see your G.P. so he can either set your mind at rest or if it is something more concerning get it treated.

Best of luck and if it's any comfort mine just kind of rubbed off when I was showering one day.

25-01-17, 18:26
I think they say come back in 2 weeks for our benefit. I had a 'spot' on my boob past year. I have acne and it was nothing like that. There was red all around it and I could see tiny veins all around. Needless to say I was very worried and told to go back in a fortnight if it hadn't cleared with the cream I was given.

It didn't clear and I went back thinking I was going to get sent for all sorts of tests, but they basically said they told me to come back in a fortnight for my benefit. A few months (yes months ha) later it cleared up. GP's know what they're looking for.

25-01-17, 18:36
threads merged

26-01-17, 10:43
Thank you all your replying to me.
Just wonder why I would get a scab on a freckle,I do get spots and dry skin on my chest/breasts not sure if it would be related! Doesn't look as dark today maybe this tiny scab has came off in the shower does look like a normal small darker freckle.Just hope this is not the start of something bad...it wouldn't be would it

27-01-17, 20:55
I went to see my gp on Monday with a small freckle on my chest that seems to be darker.My gp thinks it's a scab but would like to see me again in 2 weeks to take another look.

I can't stop looking at it,I'm aging my light from phone on it and it does look like there is a scab on it but underneath the skin.

I can't stop reading up on Melanoma and looking at pictures,now I am checking the freckles all over my body thinking now I have got it all over as they all look the same as what I have seen on google!

Wish I could just shake this anxiety off,just want to enjoy life again with my 3 children.I'm only 23! Just can't settle tonight

27-01-17, 21:00
threads merged

27-01-17, 21:03

Maybe you can discuss some meds with your GP to help calm you down and enable you to escape the spiral your in?

Positive thoughts

28-01-17, 14:15
Good afternoon all
A few of you may know from my previous posts that I am really struggling with my lates worry at the moment,skin cancer/Melanoma.

Feeling reall awfully today not sure if this is anxiety symptoms.I am getting tiredness,feeling of breathlessness,pains coming and going in my head,feeling hungry a lot and a feeling that I am spaced off off balance more when walking.

I'm trying to tell myself that this is anxiety but it's hard having health anxiety with all the bad thoughts creeping in.

This has all started from a small darker freckle on my chest,my Dr has seen it and he wants to look at it again 2 weeks,he said he thinks it's a scab! Of course I can't stop thinking about this I'm thinking I have Melanoma and it's spreading!

I'm only 23 with 3 children.I lost my Mum 10 years ago so I don't even have her to ask advice I'm not very knowledgable about freckles and miles and what I should be looking for,all I am thinking is why would I have a scab on my freckle? I also worry becaus I did use sinners when I was a teen and I did burn quite bad on my chest/breasts.

Sorry for all who have ready my posts before but I am really struggling

28-01-17, 15:00
Have you seen a dermatologist? I had this similar worry years ago, and saw a dermatologist and it really put my worries at ease.

28-01-17, 15:04
No not yet I think that when I go and see my Dr again Monday 6th I think he will end up referring me to a dermatologist.It hasn't grown,nor does it hurt,itch or bleed or anything.Can I ask what yours ended up being?

30-01-17, 10:31
1 more week to go before I go back to see my Dr:(

06-02-17, 07:20
I go to see my Dr this afternoon,freckle has not changed,no pain or anything.

Saturday I did rub my nail over it and and a bit of a scab came away,didn't bleed,but it does look like there is still a scab there slight.

I will update again this afternoon

06-02-17, 14:20
Dr said I looks a lot smaller,but still looks like there is a scab,I have to go back in 4 weeks time so he can check it again:(
What could this be doing by know if I should be worried or not!

06-02-17, 14:33
The fact that your doctor said it looks a bit smaller and he doesn't want to see you again for 4 weeks is a very good sign.
If he thought for a minute that there was a chance, and just a chance, that it could be melanoma then he would refer you straight away.
They don't mess around with these things.
These waits are so hard when you have HA but all the signs are looking positive for you :yesyes:

Try to relax and focus on other things in your life for the next 4 weeks.
That was a good result at the doctors today :)

06-02-17, 14:35
So 2 weeks ago I went in to see my Gp with a new freckle that was a bit darker,I wasn't too sure of it was new or not! He said 2 weeks ago "it looks like a scab,I'm not sure" "come back in 2 weeks so I can take another look)

Fast forward 2 weeks-I have been this afternoon an he said it looks smaller and not as dark as it did,however it still looks like there is a slight scab still there,can you come back in 4 weeks time so I can take another little looks again.

Don't know if I should be worrying now or anything:(
It's actually so small on my chest,it doesn't bleeed,leak any fluid bor does it itch or cause any discomfort.

Has anybody had anything similar or can anybody offer some reassurance?

I do have health anxiety and I have had up and down thoughts of skin cancer/Melanoma.Im 23 with 3 children wish I could shake this feeling off!

06-02-17, 14:39
threads merged

06-02-17, 15:06
The fact that your doctor said it looks a bit smaller and he doesn't want to see you again for 4 weeks is a very good sign.
If he thought for a minute that there was a chance, and just a chance, that it could be melanoma then he would refer you straight away.
They don't mess around with these things.
These waits are so hard when you have HA but all the signs are looking positive for you :yesyes:

Try to relax and focus on other things in your life for the next 4 weeks.
That was a good result at the doctors today :)

Thank you for replying to me,I must learn to but put my trust and faith in to drs again!

I lost my Mum to breast cancer almost 10 years ago when I was just 13,she kept getting shuved away wit medicines and It's just a cyst,by the time she go to the breast clinic her full breast was cancer.

I hope you can sort of see why I am like the way I am,I'm sorry if I post a lot.I have go nobody else to ask or talk to about it,my partner just says not I look up on google! X

06-02-17, 15:27
I have go nobody else to ask or talk to about it

But you do Emily. It's great you can post your fears and there are others that understand. There's a certain amount of comfort in that but it only goes so far. The key with this is finding ways to cope with the fears and irrational thoughts as well as dealing with the traumatic event in your life that is affecting you to this day is to get real life professional help. That's what mental health professionals do. I urge you to pursue that route. Speak to your doctor, find a therapist, take meds if you need to but the key in overcoming this lies within you taking the steps to do so. These are only words on a screen and they're no replacement for real life help. You can do it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. :)

Positive thoughts

06-03-17, 14:58
Just to update you all from my GP appointment this afternoon for my freckle(it has not changed at all) he has now referred me under the Two week referral,he did say he is not worried at all so not to worry.I have got to call the mole clinic tomorrow to book in.

Some of you will know I have another post on here about weight loss which is helping to contribute to this ongoing worry of mine

14-03-17, 03:25
I have a lot of moles, many of them look kinda funky. If you are at all mole phobic, see a dermatologist to get a once over. Chances are you will be fine.

14-03-17, 06:41
I have a lot of moles, many of them look kinda funky. If you are at all mole phobic, see a dermatologist to get a once over. Chances are you will be fine.

Thank you I am seeing a dermatologist on Thursday,hopping they will check all my moles and freckles so I can get this skin cancer fear out of my mind.

14-03-17, 07:31
I wouldn't worry. If its tiny its unlikely to be anything serious, and even if it were which is very unlikely it is so small it would be highly treatable. I would not worry about this. The anxiety is so much worse. I am also waiting on a biopsy from a small mole. Good luck, I'm sure you will be ok. See a dermatologist, they will look over you and trust what they say.

14-03-17, 08:11
I wouldn't worry. If its tiny its unlikely to be anything serious, and even if it were which is very unlikely it is so small it would be highly treatable. I would not worry about this. The anxiety is so much worse. I am also waiting on a biopsy from a small mole. Good luck, I'm sure you will be ok. See a dermatologist, they will look over you and trust what they say.

The waiting part from tests is the worse,I hope yours comes back ok.Thabk you for reassuring me.Do you mind sharing with me how they take the biopsy? X

16-03-17, 20:22
Hi all just an update!
I seen a dermatologist today,I told him about the freckles I was worried about and he checked my full body from head to toe.He said he is not worried about any of my freckles or moles.He said I have lots of them but there are all perfect normal,shapes and sizes.

Just want to thank you all for your kind reassuring words that has helped keep me sane these past few weeks.

16-03-17, 21:58
Here's your 2nd "Told ya so!" :D Now... time to speak to your doctor about some help with that nasty lying dragon named "Anxiety" ;)

Positive thoughts