View Full Version : Twitching still :(

21-01-17, 10:19
I went to the doctors the other day about my cherry spots and generally to discuss my health anxiety. My doctor has given me the contact details to refer myself to the psychology department, apparently that's how it works now. I didn't mention the twitching as it wasn't my main fear at the time, or I'd forgotten about it. But since the reassurance about my spots I've gone back to MND. I have been twitching since around Christmas time, mainly just in my calves and my left finger. It's the finger twitch that's freaking me out the most cos I'm thinking how is this happening without an underlying condition. I also had her check an area of scalp that, two years ago, I had some hair loss, and it happened again a week ago. She said it's stress related, or that sometimes the immune system just doesn't recognise hair and treats it as a foreign body. Well, that's an autoimmune response. So now I'm adding things up. I asked if it was a symptom of any conditions and she said 'not as a presenting symptom'. So I'm thinking why didn't I mention the twitching?? What if they're related?
My question is how long have people twitched for? I've noticed I seem more clumsy lately too but I know it's probably just cos I'm noticing/worrying over it.
I should have some rationality over this, I actually had to write a conditions proforma on this disease for university and I'm 99% I remember writing it's a later symptom of the illness.
I'm worried about the twitching, I need some rationality please.

21-01-17, 12:05
I have been twitching 11 months so far.

21-01-17, 14:28
You really think that hair loss and twitching adds up to mnd? That's like stubbing your toe and instead of thinking "oh, I stubbed my toe, that's why it hurts", you think "it's definitely cancer".

21-01-17, 15:58
Twitching for 9 months now. Reduced significant in line with my anxiety.

21-01-17, 15:59
I've been twitching for nearly 12 months. It's fine. I'm alive and well.

21-01-17, 16:06
I'm in the middle of condo renovations and my entire body has been firing off as soon as my muscles have a minute of rest. Twitching ain't sh*t ;)

21-01-17, 16:26
Anxeity causes most people to twitch I still feel like heart worries and MND is the most common anxeity suffers worries on this board and probably everywhere.

21-01-17, 16:50
14 months and still totally fine.

21-01-17, 17:38
Thank you all so much, made me feel a lot better! Yes I've definitely noticed a lot of threads about twitching. Hopefully when I start my CBT my anxiety will reduce and in turn the twitches.
Thanks again guys xx

21-01-17, 18:11
My calves twitch the most. I've twitched just about everywhere and got fixated on it about a year ago, but I remember twitching a long time before that. If I don't get much sleep I twitch more or if I eat alot of fried foods it seems to get them going. Oh and when I freak out and think I have ALS I twitch like crazy. Best thing to do is calm down and ignore it. You'll notice alot of hypochondriacs twitch it's too frequent to be a coincidence. All of our unnecessary freaking out has got to have something to do with it.

21-01-17, 18:15
Yeah definitely. I think it's when I'm tired or if I'm really focused on it. I had a few days of worrying over other things and didn't really notice them anymore.
The finger twitch is pretty hard to ignore though, it's really annoying

21-01-17, 18:35
My calves twitch the most. I've twitched just about everywhere and got fixated on it about a year ago, but I remember twitching a long time before that. If I don't get much sleep I twitch more or if I eat alot of fried foods it seems to get them going. Oh and when I freak out and think I have ALS I twitch like crazy. Best thing to do is calm down and ignore it. You'll notice alot of hypochondriacs twitch it's too frequent to be a coincidence. All of our unnecessary freaking out has got to have something to do with it.

It's definitely not a coincidence :shades:

---------- Post added at 18:35 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

Yeah definitely. I think it's when I'm tired or if I'm really focused on it. I had a few days of worrying over other things and didn't really notice them anymore.
The finger twitch is pretty hard to ignore though, it's really annoying

Ever heard of hot spots? All twitchers seem to get them from time to time (it's when a twitch continues in one spot for hours/days). I've had some ridiculous hot spots in my fingers, where I can visibility see them moving back and forth on their own accord. I mainly get hot spots on the soles of my feet though. Used to freak me out so bad but I'm 15 months into the twitching shenanigans and I'm still alive and doing just fine.

21-01-17, 19:46
It's definitely not a coincidence :shades:

---------- Post added at 18:35 ---------- Previous post was at 18:33 ----------

Ever heard of hot spots? All twitchers seem to get them from time to time (it's when a twitch continues in one spot for hours/days). I've had some ridiculous hot spots in my fingers, where I can visibility see them moving back and forth on their own accord. I mainly get hot spots on the soles of my feet though. Used to freak me out so bad but I'm 15 months into the twitching shenanigans and I'm still alive and doing just fine.

I also have lots of twitches on soles of my feet like the middle parts. I can feel them it's a weird feeling.

Catherine S
21-01-17, 20:00
My eyelids twitch the most, but my lips can join in too sometimes...can be quite painful too. Ive had it off and on for some years to be honest, and I mentioned the eyelid twitching to an optician back in December when I had an eye exam (unrelated ) and she told me magnesium can help with nerve twitches as well as muscle cramps.


21-01-17, 21:28
I think I must have hot spots too. Seems to be mainly my left finger and calves although my thighs are getting it a bit too. I heard magnesium is good too, might get some capsules

21-01-17, 21:30
Im over 5 year twitcher I have very severe symptoms, better nowdays but still a daily twitcher :)

---------- Post added at 21:30 ---------- Previous post was at 21:30 ----------

Oh ive started magnesium aswell early days :) feel bit more calmer

21-01-17, 22:56
18 months twitching in every single muscle you could think of. Mostly calves, eye lids, fingers, lip and back.
Not dead yet

21-01-17, 22:57
I think I must have hot spots too. Seems to be mainly my left finger and calves although my thighs are getting it a bit too. I heard magnesium is good too, might get some capsules

Yeah my calf are my main areas I twitch.

22-01-17, 01:20
I've been twitching for almost 2 1/2 years. It was bad for about 1 1/2 years. I still get random twitches here and there and develop a hot spot now and again, but it definitely isn't as bad as it was. I've learned that twitches don't mean anything. Simple as that.

22-01-17, 01:33
It's good to know so many of us are in the same boat. I've just got into bed and it's like clockwork, muscles start having a dance. Just went to see Split, new James McAvoy film, was very good. Definitely helped distract me the twitches! My finger hasn't been as bad today but I guarantee it'll start just as I get sleepy.
I really do wonder how anxiety causes it. Is it because we're so physically tensed up all the time? I know I always pinch my shoulders together, I had a massage last year and the girl said I had knots everywhere.

Catherine S
22-01-17, 02:11
Anyone can get these twitches, anxiety sufferers or not. However you're correct with the tension theory. I reckon it plays a big part, but don't forget that twitches can affect nerves as well as muscles. On the point about tense muscles though, I sometimes ask my hubby to massage my neck and shoulders and he always says I have so many knots there. It's so painful to start with but as the knots are straightened out I feel more relaxed. I think my shoulders must be up around my ears most of the time :unsure:


22-01-17, 06:03
Just hit 11 months twitching. Every day, in every part of my body. Even my tongue acts goofy some days. You are fine.

22-01-17, 07:01
Aboutbfs is a good site. All you can do is look at the archives. The site has some good Info from experienced twitches.

22-01-17, 12:12
Anyone else noticing like soreness/ burning in there calfs any? Mine started about a week ago and it's off and on. Seems worse when sleeping or sitting relaxed. Walking usually makes it feel somewhat better.

22-01-17, 15:11
Yep, soreness, tightness, migrating pain, etc. got all of it.

22-01-17, 15:53
BFS gives you everything from twitching to buzzing to cramping to pain to tingling, burning, and beyond

22-01-17, 16:38
Yeah I just never noticed this till around a week ago. I was starting to think mYbe I have restless leg syndrome.

30-01-17, 03:19
Twitching has gotta be one of the most common complaints on this board. You're definitely not alone.

30-01-17, 03:43
Seriously, go on amazon and get some magnesium oil and spray it on your feet and put on some socks. I used to have twitches all the time and when i get twitches I spray magnesium oil on me and it works. I am not joking seriously our food and soil is magnesium deficient and that effects our nerves. The pills are not the best. Get the spray and tell me if it helps!

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:38 ----------

ok, i just checked, you are in the uk, i have no idea if they sell it on amazon in the ok, but go to the health food store and they will have it there. check it out. it has changed my twitching life!

---------- Post added at 22:43 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

ok I just checked again, they do have it. The one I get is the one that is 10 quid. it works!

30-01-17, 09:39
Thanks Cusper I'll look into getting some! Still twitching but not as badly. Probably because it's more background noise now, whereas a few weeks ago I was really worried about it. It's definitely annoying though, especially when trying to get to sleep