View Full Version : Many canker sores appearing

21-01-17, 12:59
Hi everyone, during this week many canker sores appeared in my mouth, first one I noticed because my mouth started burning when I was drinking orange juice, it appeared right in my lingual frenulum, it looks very red and swollen in the tip. I didn't care for it because it's normal to get one canker sore now and then, but as the days passed more and more appeared, on the floor of my tongue, and now more three under my lips... what's going on? Sometimes I get canker sores but only one or two, never like this?

I'm getting really scared because my main fear these past months has been HIV and I read it could be a sign of HIV infection... now I'm freaking out... just as I started getting more rational about this fear, this happens...

I'm trying to think it's only because I drank orange juice or because I'm very stressed and on my period, I know all those three could cause this but at the same time this never happened before in those situations so now I can't get the HIV fear out of my head again... And there's no way I can't get tested because I don't have health insurance and I can't go to these places where they do the test for free, I already tried... my boyfriend said he's gonna get tested when he does his annual blood work just to ease my mind, he's being so sweet taking in consideration how irrational this fear has become for me but I just can't shake it off my head... and in the meantime while he doesn't do the test I can't stop thinking about the possibility :weep:

21-01-17, 13:16
There's many reasons for canker sores and one of them is citrus fruit.
Stress is another and so is food allergies.
Have you eaten something new recently?
Maybe your vitamin B or iron levels are low? You could get tested for that.

HIV has many symptoms and I don't think you should just pick one and assume the worst.

Try not to eat anything acidic that will irritate your mouth, keep it clean and try to relax (I know! Easier said than done)

Eat healthy food and take a multi vitamin to boost your immune system.

21-01-17, 14:30
Stress. Or hormones (if you're female).
When you are stressed, your immunity can take a dip, and then you get canker sores.
Also, I tend to chew on the insides of my cheeks when I'm anxious, and then I get canker sores sometimes where I chewed.
HIV is NOT the first possibility that comes to mind when someone has canker sores. Try a warm salt water rinse several times a day, or tea tree oil.
Best wishes.

22-01-17, 00:39
I did read it could be stress or hormones related which would make sense since I'm on my period and VERY stressed about this HIV fear... but the thing is, I almost NEVER get canker sores, let alone 5 at the same time. That's why I'm so scared, why did they appear now that I'm so worried about HIV...

Thank you so much for both answers tho, I'll try to think it's probably just stress related. I started taking a multivitamin already, hopefully it gets better soon, because today it has been a pain to eat...

22-01-17, 01:12
Why is your first go-to conclusion HIV? Did you have some risky sex or share a needle? If so, go get tested and have it be done with.

Many of us get canker sores and they are not HIV related. Like other posters have said, high salt and citrus diets and stress can cause them. Also food getting caught in places in your mouth can cause them as well.

I get them a lot because of that and the way my back teeth are positioned in my mouth. Wash your mouth out with an alcohol-based mouthwash like Listerine after you eat, and they should go away in a couple of days. It's also a good idea to use it after you brush your teeth.