View Full Version : Drool or night sweat?

21-01-17, 17:08
Hi everyone this will sound like a silly question so I apologise in advance. I have two lymph nodes in my neck - marble sized one behind my ear and a smaller than a pea sized one on the same side as the first node but down the lower posterior triangle area. Both came up three years ago after a bad flu like bug. I've had them checked over by the docs a few times and they say there's no need for concern.

Me being me, I worry that they are lymphoma or something and I know night sweats are a symptom. Last night I woke up and noticed a wet puddle under my pillow and I felt my cheek and it was dry and I felt all around the bed, my body and my Pj's and they were both bone dry too.

My sheets are an off grey beige colour and the outline of the wet patch is still on them despite being dry now. I drooled a little later in the night once I went back to sleep and I woke up with a wet mouth and wet patch again but that dried in and didnt leave a stain like the bigger patch did when that had dried in

Sounds silly and I feel like an idiot for even worrying about it, I'm just really struggling with HA atm but I'm starting schema therapy soon so hoping I might be on the right track soon

21-01-17, 17:17
Both came up three years ago after a bad flu like bug. I've had them checked over by the docs a few times and they say there's no need for concern.

Me being me, I worry that they are lymphoma

youve had them for 3 years and nothing yet? I think you can put that fear to rest.

21-01-17, 17:20
Yeah I know it's silly and most people wouldn't give the nodes a second thought by now :( it's hard to think that way when you have OCD but I'm trying. My father in law had lymphoma and he had lumps for two years before he was diagnosed and I think that has fueled my fears but I'm hoping this upcoming therapy helps but I know most of the work will have to be from me on my own though

Chris 614
22-01-17, 11:27
My dad had non Hodgkin's lymphoma. His night sweats did not leave a little drool puddle and him dry. He woke up completely drenched, soaked through his pajamas.