View Full Version : Struggling ....

21-01-17, 18:27
In my head I sort of know it's anxiety, but I always have a fear that it's not ...
All day today ive felt great, haven't had anxiety popping into my head, but for the past half hour I've just felt blah..... I'm sitting herechecking my pulse and it's a tad fast, nothing to worry about though.but I've got a strange feeling in my head, my eyesfeel tired but I don't feel tired, I've got pressure in my ears and the bridge of my nose and i feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack which isnt coming. I also feel like I can't get a full breath.
I'm trying to rationalize with myself but it's hard. I've done super well with my anxiety for a good few months but it seems Like it's coming back full swing , that's of course if it is anxiety .

Like I said I think its anxiety but I'm so worried that I'm telling myself its anxiety when actually there is something wrong with me instead.
I've had anxiety and panic attacks for 9ish years, but surely anxiety can't stay with me forever....

I'm fed up of always feeling scared when my anxiety is like this.
Wish i could just click my fingers and the anxiety will just disappear. ...

21-01-17, 18:41
I know people probably get sick of hearing this but have you gotten any type of help for it? Anxiety can certainly cause a lot of symptoms and if i remember correctly being afraid to call it Anxiety through fear of it being dangerous is also a classic HA symptom, anxiety can defo stay with you my partner has had it all their life. x

21-01-17, 19:13
Have you tried essential oils? There are a lot of blends out there that really help. My favorite is "stress away" by Young living. I add a few drops to my diffuser and it seriously calms me. I don't really have panic attacks, maybe every once in a while. But it calms the everyday fear in the back of my mind. And it would probably work better for those who DO suffer from panic attacks.